RT, or Request Tracker, is a issue tracking system. Currently build RT lastest (4.4.x) and RT 4.2.12.
In this first build this container makes some assumptions that might not be for everyone. The container is only built to use Postgresql. You also have to use SSL/TLS and have a directory with the following files shared with the container at startup:
- RT_SiteConfig.pm
- server-chain.pem
- server.pem
To run docker-rt (change to to the location of the files specified above):
docker run -ti -p 443:443 -e RT_HOSTNAME=rt.example.com -e RT_RELAYHOST=mail.example.com -v /<full path>/docker-rt/files:/data --name rt -d reuteras/docker-rt
-e RT_HOSTNAME=<RT server hostname>
-e RT_RELAYHOST=<Postfix relay host>
The steps I took:
# Backup database first
docker stop rt
run -ti -p 443:443 -e RT_HOSTNAME=<hostname> -e RT_RELAYHOST=<host> -v /docker:/data:ro --name rt44 -d reuteras/docker-rt
docker exec -ti rt44 /bin/bash
rt# cd /opt/rt4
rt# ./sbin/rt-setup-database --action upgrade
rt# exit
# Clean up and restart with correct name
docker stop rt44
docker rm rt
docker rm rt44
run -ti -p 443:443 -e RT_HOSTNAME=<hostname> -e RT_RELAYHOST=<host> -v /docker:/data:ro --name rt -d reuteras/docker-rt
The same steps can be used for upgrades from 4.4.x to 4.4.y where y>x.
In my environment I still use an vm to run Postgresql. Because of that I haven't scripted any default setup to automatically use a linked database container. Something like the following should help you get started.
# Change mysecretpassword to something better
docker run --name postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres
docker inspect postgres | grep IPAddress
# edit RT_SiteConfig.pm and insert the IP Address
docker run -ti -p 443:443 -e RT_HOSTNAME=servername -e RT_RELAYHOST=servername -v $(pwd)/files:/data --name rt -d reuteras/docker-rt
docker exec -ti rt /bin/bash
# in the container
cd /tmp/rt/rt-4.4.*
make initdb
# enter password from step one
Lots of things.
- Solution for adding plugins
Testing edit.