When you use the biblio, run bibtex with --min-crossrefs=1000 to prevent it from getting overly clever and including the conference itself as a citation. (Unless that's what you want, of course).
Style issues: A great entry looks something like this:
@inproceedings{joebob2020, author = "Joe Bob and Frank Bob", title = "Farming the River {S}tyx", crossref = "farmcon2020", pages = "155--166", }
@proceedings{farmcon2020, booktitle = "Proc. {FARMCON}", year = 2020, month = may, address = "Styx, {HE}" }
If the conference is a popular one, please split it out into a proceedings and an inproceedings. Otherwise, leave them integrated as a single inproceedings.
- Dates should be formatted using the bibtex macros (jan, feb, mar...) and the year without quoting, unless necessary (for things like "Winter 2002")
Canonical source vs. shortening
The CVS biblio file is the canonical source of bibliography
information. Please do NOT commit destructive shortening tweaks into this
file (like getting rid of the Address= info)!
Instead, copy the entries to a paper-specific .bib file
and shorten them there.
Because this is a canonical source, try to get as much information as possible - accurate addresses, page numbers, etc., to maximize the utility of the bibliography.
- Validate before commit
Please use the scripts in the test/ directory to validate the bib file before you commit your changes. This will help ensure both style compliance and that the changes don't inadvertently break other parts of the build file. Watch the bibtex output for warnings -- see "test.blg". Watch the latex output for missing references and/or gross errors.
- Naming and positioning
Try to stick with a naming convention similar to current entries, and when you insert new items into the bib, insert them alphabetically.