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Workshop materials for the patter R package

Edward Lavender*

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

*This repository is maintained by Edward Lavender ([email protected]).


This repository contains patter workshop materials. patter is an R package that fits state-space models to animal tracking data using sequential Monte Carlo algorithms (particle filters and smoothers). This wraps the high-performance Julia package Patter.jl.

patter implements particle filtering and smoothing algorithms. The algorithms reconstruct movements, patterns of space use and residency from animal-tracking data, particularly in acoustic telemetry systems.

patter implements particle filtering and smoothing algorithms. The algorithms reconstruct movements, patterns of space use and residency from animal-tracking data, particularly in acoustic telemetry systems.


The project was built in R (version 4.4.1) in RStudio.


For patter users, these are the most relevant resources:

  1. doc/ contains workshop documentation:

    • patter-v.1.0-1/patter-intro.html is a comprehensive introductory presentation for patter
      • Download this file for a comprehensive introduction to patter
  2. R/ contains R scripts (workshop exercises):

    • intro-patter.R is an introductory exercise for patter
      • Download this file for a practical introduction to the basic patter workflow

The following directories are relevant for users who clone the project:

  1. renv/ implements local dependency management for R packages

  2. data/ contains project management files:

    • inst/dependencies.rds is a list of dependencies;
    • inst/session-info.rds is a record of information about the R Session;
    • inst/tree.rds is a record of the project directory tree;
  3. dev/ contains project-management scripts:

    • 01-dev.R records project set up and development;
    • 02-clone.R is used to clone the project;
    • 03-utils.R contains supporting utilities;
  4. Julia/ is the Julia project directory

  5. fig/ contains selected figure(s)

Project clones

To clone the project, follow the instructions in dev/02-clone.R to install packages and directories:

  • Packages. Work through dev/02-clone.R to use renv to regenerate the local project library. Packages can also be manually reinstalled via 02-clone.R.
  • Directories. Rebuild the project directory tree, via dv::use_template_proj() and dv::use_template_tree().

Clone the project if you experience issues with package versions on your own machine and you want to work through the introductory R script(s).


Please report issues on GitHub.

Code of conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.