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This repository enumerates all the reasons why R is better than python for DS

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R advantages over python

Iyar Lin 16 June, 2022

“don’t be fooled by the hype python’s got
R still R still is the tool you want”

dont be fooled


R has many advantages over python that should be taken into consideration when choosing which language to do DS with. When compiling them in this repo I try to avoid:

  1. Too subjective comparisons. E.g. function indentation vs curly braces closure.
  2. Issues that one can get used to after a while like python indexing (though the fact it starts from 0, or that object[0:2] returns only the first 2 elements still throws me off once in a while).

How to contribute

I’m adding examples to this repo as I encounter them. There are areas such as dashboards and apps, advanced statistics or production environments with which I’m less familiar with. If you’d like to add examples, including where python has the edge over R (there’s a small section for that) feel free to add them to this README and open a pull request.

I encourage the reader to point out cases where I’m wrong - for example when better ways to perform a task in python exist. I appreciate the feedback.

Note this repo has a discussions section so feel free to comment there.

Working with dplyr is much faster than pandas

Many popularity comparisons show stack overflow questions to indicate that pandas popularity is growing much faster than dplyr. I think that at least some of the increase in pandas questions has to do with how confusing pandas is. I hope by the end of this section you’ll find merit in my hypothesis.

pandas vs dplyr questions on stack overflow

pandas vs dplyr questions on stack overflow


This section will demonstrate that pandas syntax really contrasts with the principle from Zen of python: “There should be one— and preferably only one —obvious way to do it”.

We’ll start with a simple example: calculate the mean Sepal length within each species in the iris dataset.

In dplyr:

iris %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%
  summarise(mean_length = mean(Sepal.Length))

A common way of doing the same in pandas would be using the agg method:

  .rename({'Sepal.Length':'mean_length'}, axis = 1)

We can see that pandas requires an additional rename call.

We can avoid the additional rename by passing a tuple to agg:

iris.groupby('Species').agg(mean_length = ('Sepal.Length', 'mean'))

When aggregating over a single column we could pass a string rather than a tuple like so:

iris.groupby('Species')['Sepal.Length'].agg(mean_length = 'mean')

When aggregating over a single column with a function that is also a DataFrame method one could skip the agg method altogether using:


The above demonstrated again how confusing pandas can be with all those different ways of doing the same thing.

Multiple input variables (weighted average example)

Now let’s say we’d like to use a weighted average (with sepal width as weights).

In dplyr we’d use the weighted mean function with an additional argument:

iris %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%
  summarize(weighted_mean_length = weighted.mean(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width))

Pretty straight forward. In fact, it’s so straight forward we can do the actual weighted mean calculation on the fly:

iris %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%
  summarize(weighted_mean_length = sum(Sepal.Length * Sepal.Width) / sum(Sepal.Width))

In pandas I found an answer which got 104 upvotes on stack overflow:

def weighted_mean(group):
    d = {}
    x = group['Sepal.Length']
    w = group['Sepal.Width']
    d['weighted_mean_length'] = (x * w).sum() / w.sum()
    return (x * w).sum() / w.sum()


Problem is - we get back a series, not a DataFrame. I’ve searched stack overflow some more and combined the above with this answer (look how long it is!) to get the following:

def weighted_mean(group):
    d = {}
    x = group['Sepal.Length']
    w = group['Sepal.Width']
    d['weighted_mean_length'] = (x * w).sum() / w.sum()
    return pd.Series(d, index=['weighted_mean_length'])


We can see that:

  1. We have to define a custom function, and it can’t even work for general inputs
    but rather has to have them hard coded.
  2. The syntax is super cumbersome and requires searching stack overflow extensively.
  3. We need to use apply instead of the common agg method.
  4. I’m pretty sure anyone not using the above code for more than a few weeks would have to search stack overflow/his code base again to find the answer next time he needs to do that calculation.

Following a Christophe’s comment on my Medium post I found out there’s a much simpler solution:

  .apply(lambda x: pd.Series({'weighted_mean_length': 
    np.average(x['Sepal.Length'], weights = x['Sepal.Width'])}))

Quite surprising given the amount of upvotes those stack overflow answers got.

Another comment by Samuel Oranyeli revealed one could actually use the pipe method like so:

  .assign(weighted_sum = iris['Sepal.Length'].mul(iris['Sepal.Width']))
  .pipe(lambda df: df.weighted_sum.sum()/df['Sepal.Width'].sum())

So… using yet another new method: pipe, which quite frankly I have a hard time understanding how is different than apply. (There’s an active stack overflow question on that).

Multiple functions on multiple input variables

Let’s say we’d like to calculate the mean and max sepal length, and the min sepal width.

In dplyr it’s easy enough:

iris %>% summarise(
  sepal_length_mean = mean(Sepal.Length), 
  sepal_length_max = max(Sepal.Length), 
  sepal_width_min = min(Sepal.Width))
##   sepal_length_mean sepal_length_max sepal_width_min
## 1          5.843333              7.9               2

If you were to group it by Species for example, you’d get the exact same data frame, only this time with a row per each species like you’d expect:

iris %>% 
  group_by(Species) %>% 
  sepal_length_mean = mean(Sepal.Length), 
  sepal_length_max = max(Sepal.Length), 
  sepal_width_min = min(Sepal.Width))
## # A tibble: 3 × 4
##   Species    sepal_length_mean sepal_length_max sepal_width_min
##   <chr>                  <dbl>            <dbl>           <dbl>
## 1 setosa                  5.01              5.8             2.3
## 2 versicolor              5.94              7               2  
## 3 virginica               6.59              7.9             2.2

In pandas you get a very different behavior when the data frame is grouped or not. When it’s ungrouped:

  .agg({'Sepal.Length':['mean', 'max'], 'Sepal.Width':'min'})
##       Sepal.Length  Sepal.Width
## mean      5.843333          NaN
## max       7.900000          NaN
## min            NaN          2.0

We can see that the function names were stored in the index while the variables on which they were operated on are in the columns. This results in all those pesky NaNs.

If we were to apply those functions to a grouped data frame however:

  .agg({'Sepal.Length':['mean', 'max'], 'Sepal.Width':'min'})
##            Sepal.Length      Sepal.Width
##                    mean  max         min
## Species                                 
## setosa            5.006  5.8         2.3
## versicolor        5.936  7.0         2.0
## virginica         6.588  7.9         2.2

Now the grouping variable levels occupy the row index while the functions and variables were moved to the column multi index. It prints nicely but also begs the question which you’ll have go search stack overflow of how do you rename those columns or select them by name.

Well what if you just want to perform several aggregations without grouping? Only way I found doing that was:

  .groupby(lambda x: 1)
  .agg({'Sepal.Length':['mean', 'max'], 'Sepal.Width':'min'})
##   Sepal.Length      Sepal.Width
##           mean  max         min
## 1     5.843333  7.9         2.0

Window functions

Aggregation over a window

Let’s say we’d like to calculate the mean of sepal length within each species and append that to the original dataset (In SQL: SUM(Sepal.Length) OVER(partition by Species)) would be:

iris.assign(mean_sepal = lambda x: x.groupby('Species')['Sepal.Length'].transform(np.mean))

We can see that this requires a dedicated method (transform), compared with dplyr which only requires adding a group_by:

iris %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%
  mutate(mean_sepal = mean(Sepal.Length))

Now let’s say we’d like to do the same with a function that takes 2 argument variables. In dplyr it’s pretty straight forward and again, just a minor and intuitive tweak of the previous code:

iris %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%
  mutate(mean_sepal = weighted.mean(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width))

Thanks to Samuel Oranyeli I now know this can be achieved in pandas using:

  .assign(weighted_sum = iris['Sepal.Length'].mul(iris['Sepal.Width']), 
             mean_sepal = lambda df: df.groupby('Species')
                                       .pipe(lambda df: df.weighted_sum.transform('sum')/
     .drop(columns = "weighted_sum")

You can judge for yourself how elegant or straightforward this is.

Expanding windows

Now let’s say we’d like to calculate an expanding sum of Sepal.Length over increasing values of Sepal.Width within each species (in SQL: SUM(Sepal.Length) OVER(partition by Species ORDER BY Sepal.Width))

In dplyr it’s pretty straight forward:

iris %>%
  arrange(Species, Sepal.Width) %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%
  mutate(expanding_sepal_sum = cumsum(Sepal.Length))

Generally for a function f we can use sapply like so:

f <- function(x) median(x) + 1
iris %>%
  arrange(Species, Sepal.Width) %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%
  mutate(expanding_median_plus_1 = sapply(1:n(), function(x) f(Sepal.Length[1:x])))

Notice we don’t need to memorize any additional functions/methods. One finds a solution using ubiquitous tools (e.g. sapply) and just plugs it in the dplyr chain.

In pandas we’ll have to search stack overflow to come up with the expanding method:

  .sort_values(['Species', 'Sepal.Width'])
  .expanding().agg({'Sepal.Length': 'sum'})
  .rename({'Sepal.Length':'expanding_sepal_sum'}, axis = 1)

Again, we need to use an additional rename call.

You’d might want to pass a tuple to agg like you’re used to in order to avoid the additional rename but for some reason the following syntax just wont work:

  .sort_values(['Species', 'Sepal.Width'])
  .agg(expanding_sepal_sum = ('Sepal.Length', 'sum'))

You could also avoid the additional rename by using the following somewhat cumbersome syntax:

  .assign(expanding_sepal_sum = lambda x:x.sort_values(['Species', 'Sepal.Width'])
  .groupby('Species').expanding().agg({'Sepal.Length': 'sum'})

Yet another way of doing it (credit to Samuel Oranyeli) would be:

  .sort_values(["Species", "Sepal.Width"])
  .assign(expanding_sepal_sum = lambda df: df.groupby("Species")['Sepal.Length']

Moving windows

Now let’s say we’d like to calculate a moving central window mean (in SQL: AVG(Sepal.Length) OVER(partition by Species ORDER BY Sepal.Width ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND 2 FOLLOWING))

As usual, in dplyr it’s pretty straightforward:

iris %>%
  arrange(Species, Sepal.Width) %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%
  mutate(moving_mean_sepal_length = sapply(
    function(x) mean(Sepal.Length[max(x - 2, 1):min(x + 2, n())])

As in the other examples, all you have to do is find a solution using ubiquitous tools and plug it in the dplyr chain.

In pandas we’d have to look up the rolling method, read it’s documentation and come up with the following:

  .sort_values(['Species', 'Sepal.Width'])
  .rolling(window = 5, center = True, min_periods = 1)
  .agg({'Sepal.Length': 'mean'})
  .rename({'Sepal.Length':'moving_mean_sepal_length'}, axis = 1)

Yet another way of doing it (credit to Samuel Oranyeli) would be:

  .sort_values(["Species", "Sepal.Width"])
  .assign(expanding_sepal_sum = lambda df: df.groupby("Species")['Sepal.Length']
                                                .rolling(window=5, center=True, min_periods=1)

Case when

Below we can see an example of using a case when statement in dplyr:

iris %>%
  mutate(nice = case_when(
    Species == "setosa" & Sepal.Length < 5 ~ "value C",
    Species == "versicolor" & Sepal.Length < 5 ~ "Value A",
    Species == "virginica" & Sepal.Length < 5 ~ "Value G",
    T ~ "high"

pandas on the other hand has no dedicated case when function. It uses the numpy select:

iris.assign(wow = lambda x:
        (x['Species'] == "setosa") & (x['Sepal.Length'] < 5), 
        (x['Species'] == "versicolor") & (x['Sepal.Length'] < 5),
        (x['Species'] == "virginica") & (x['Sepal.Length'] < 5)
        'value C', 
        'value A',
        'value G'

We can see that:

  1. The syntax is way less readable. In order to match condition with outcome one needs to index the conditions and outcomes in his head
  2. It can get quite messy to understand which value results from what condition if the list of conditions becomes long


This function finds the first non-missing value at each position similar to SQL coalesce.

For example we try to extract first non-missing value from 2 fields otherwise return 0. In dplyr it makes pretty easy and readable

df <- tibble(s1=c(NA,NA,6,9,9),s2=c(NA,8,7,9,9))
df %>% mutate(s3=coalesce(s1,s2,0))
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
##      s1    s2    s3
##   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1    NA    NA     0
## 2    NA     8     8
## 3     6     7     6
## 4     9     9     9
## 5     9     9     9

In pandas the solution is much less readable and concise:

df.assign(s3 = df.s1.combine_first(df.s2).fillna(0))
##     s1   s2   s3
## 0  NaN  NaN  0.0
## 1  NaN  8.0  8.0
## 2  6.0  7.0  6.0
## 3  9.0  9.0  9.0
## 4  9.0  9.0  9.0

pandas is missing variable autocompletion

In dplyr data masking enables you to have variable completion when write your code. See below how that looks like:


In pandas you pass strings when you select variables, use the agg, sort_values, query and groupby methods. In all those cases - you don’t get variable auto-completion.

When you learn dplyr you can also leverage data.table, spark, postgres and many others

When you encounter use cases where pandas can’t be used (e.g. big data and remote data bases) you’ll have to learn another package to tackle them.

Dplyr users however can use the same syntax to tackle many use cases using various other languages as back-ends. Granted, for advanced usage one would probably have to resort to more dedicated API’s or use the native language itself. But for the usual use cases of filtering, selecting, aggregating etc using dplyr syntax should work fine.

The dbplyr package enables using remote database tables as if they are in-memory data frames by automatically converting dplyr code into SQL. These include: Postgres, BigQuery, Impala and many others.

The sparklyr package enables connecting to spark clusters and executing spark jobs by converting dplyr syntax to Spark syntax.

The dtplyr package enables working fast with large data frames that still fit in memory by using the data.table package as backend. You can see a small benchmarking I did to see how effective it is.

data.table is way faster than pandas

For most cases when working with data frames that fit in memory there will probably be not difference in compute time between pandas and dplyr/data.table. There are instances however when working with medium to large datasets where pandas will significantly lag behind data.table. There’s a whole website dedicated to benchmarking data base like operations across many languages. We can see below an example where data.table is the fastest out there, leaving pandas (among others) in the dust.

data.table leaves dust everyone in the dust

python users might rejoice over the fact pandas seems much faster than dplyr. Thing is dplyr can use data.table as a backend and enjoy all the syntax joy of dplyr without losing much steam.

pandas index

This one might be a bit subjective, but for me pandas index always seems like much more of nuisance than useful. I encourage the reader to check how many times they use the reset_index method in their code. Other than some niceties relating to how the data frame is printed (e.g. multi indeces, see this for example) I can’t think of a use case where an index is really needed.

Rstudio IDE is way better than jupyter notebooks

When working with python one might opt to use the spyder IDE. Last time I checked it was a poor mans’ Rstudio so I restrict my comparison to jupyter notebooks which are by far the most popular IDE for DS python.

Working with Rmarkdown within Rstudio really feels like jupyter notebooks on steroids. In addition to the ability to assemble code, plots and tables within the same document you get tons of other useful features. Since there are some many, below I’ll list just a few notable features that make Rstudio so much better to work with than jupyter notebooks.

Code autocompletion

Below we can see a code completion example in Rstudio:


We can see that:

  1. When calling functions you get documentation of arguments on the go, both overview and detailed in pop-up windows
  2. Used arguments don’t show up in the auto-completion (after setting x it doesn’t show up again)
  3. When calling functions in a dplyr chain you have the data frame variables listed and autocompleted (thanks to data masking)

In contrast see below the auto-completion results for pandas DataFrame in jupyter notebooks:

Jupyter notebook autocompletion for padnas DataFrame We can see you get a long list of irrelevant stuff.


Rstudio has a command line - this comes handy whenever you want to execute short pieces of code to check stuff, not to have it in your script. Not having this in Jupyter notebooks is a pain that is compounded by the absence of the following feature:

Running code line by line

Running code line by line can be especially important when you want to debug a chunk of code. See an example below:


In jupyter notebooks you’d have to copy each line separately to a new cell, fix indentation and run it. You can’t even just copy it to a console!.

In the above we not only see how easy it is to debug a function in Rstudio, we also see a run status bar on the left showing you exactly where the error occurred when running the chunk as a whole (which can also be useful when running big chunks to know where in the chunk your code runs right now).

Using Rstudio version 1.4.1106 on Mac I can also run python code line by line.

Table viewing is interactive

When viewing tables with lots of rows it’s useful to be able to scroll them row wise:

table view

In jupyter you can only scroll column wise.

Variable explorer

In the previous example we could also see a variable explorer which does not exist in jupyter notebooks. Comes handy especially when context switching or to dynamically inspect results (e.g. number of rows in a filtered dataframe).

I’m using Rstudio version 1.4.1106 and when using the reticulate package to work with python I have a variable explorer. At this rate using Rstudio would be preferable over jupyter notebooks even when using python.

python variable xplorer


Rstudio has a full fledged visual debugger! The Jupyter blog announced a visual debugger back in March 2020 but I have yet to see it installed anywhere in practice. It’s possible that’s due to the fact it’s still experimental and available for a specific kernel type.

“The only kernel implementing this protocol, for now, is xeus-python a new Jupyter kernel for the Python programming language”

This naturally leads to the next point:

Installation and dependency management

To take advantage of all the features in Rstudio you need only download the latest version and install. Jupyter notebooks are much more fragmented with many of the more advanced features installed separately, often working on only subsets of machines or requiring managing all sorts of dependencies.

Table of contents

When working on a very large document - like this one I’m writing right now in Rstudio it can be become pretty hard to navigate the different document parts. In Rstudio you get an automatic table of contents:


Documentation rendering

Documentation in Rstudio is rendered very nicely in a separate window, supporting all sorts of formatting. See for example:

Rstudio documentation rendering

In jupyter notebooks however doc strings are printed within the notebook, so if it’s long one has to scroll up and down to view both the doc and the code he wants to edit:

docstring render

R is just as capable for ML if not better than python

One recurring theme is that R is good for statistics (which is true) while python (namely scikit-learn) is preferable for ML.

scikit-learn is a meta-ML package - meaning it manages the entire ML pipeline (cross validation, transformations, benchmarking etc). R has several mature meta-ML packages of it’s own - most prominently mlr3 and tidymodels.


You can read more about mlr3 and tidymodels in this great blog post. While it’s hard to compare sklearn with the R packages, it’s safe to say R has no shortage of high quality meta-ML packages.

sklearn does not support categorical variables in decision trees

This one’s actually pretty important. When constructing a tree in R on a dataset that contains a categorical variable it can send several categories down each node.

To show that I’ll use the iris dataset and create a “sub-species” variable which is just a split in half of every species (so 6 levels overall).

We next fit a tree model:

iris_for_tree <- iris %>%
    subspecies =
        size = n(),
        replace = T
  ) %>%
  select(Sepal.Length, subspecies)

rpart(Sepal.Length ~ subspecies, data = iris_for_tree, cp = 0.02)
## n= 150 
## node), split, n, deviance, yval
##       * denotes terminal node
## 1) root 150 102.1683 5.843333  
##   2) subspecies=setosa1,setosa2 50   6.0882 5.006000 *
##   3) subspecies=versicolor1,versicolor2,virginica1,virginica2 100  43.4956 6.262000  
##     6) subspecies=versicolor1,versicolor2 50  13.0552 5.936000 *
##     7) subspecies=virginica1,virginica2 50  19.8128 6.588000 *

We can see that on the first split 2 categories (setosa1,setosa2) went down the left node while the rest went to the right - which makes sense as there’s no real difference between setosa1 and setosa2. In the end the tree split the nodes exactly according to the original species!

sklearn however does not support categorical data. This means we have to one hot encode those - effectively meaning you can only do one vs the rest splitting. In the example above setosa1 and setosa2 can’t be sent together to the same node and you’d end up making bad splits with the same specie in different leaves. This can have serious implications, especially in cases where categories with a large number of levels are present in the dataset.

Time series

While some effort is underway to close the gap (see for example pmdarima package which aims to imitate R’s auto.arima) python’s packages for time series analysis, especially in more classic contexts like exponential smoothing are still way less developed.

Of course,there are models of classical arima and models from the family of exponential smoothing (ETS) in statmodels,but they all require painstaking manual settings of hyperparameters (p, d,q,P, D, Q) of each time series or parameters from the family of exponential models.

The realities of forecasting in the conditions of modern business are such that there are many (very many) time series, they are all of different lengths, many of them are far from stationary and often contain omissions and statistical outliers.

A single framework is required that could decide for itself for each time series what is more appropriate model (ARIMA, regression, theta, prophet or one of the representatives of the ETC family) not to mention not to manually configure the parameters of ARIMA/ETC/… for each time series.

This framework should contain convenient tools for visualizing a variety of time series and model prediction results, and the code should be concise and readable (which is not enough in python)

This framework should contain convenient tools for cross-validation of time series and building different models for each time series in conditions when there are many time series.

This framework should have tools for hierarchical forecasting: this is when the time series of the detailed (lower) level are aggregated to different levels up in time (per week, month, year), by product (brand, category, etc.) or by customers (staff, sales channel, etc.) and then the models, having learned at the levels above, transmit the found patterns to the models of the lower level, which they cannot see from their height.

This framework should be able to extract characteristics from each time series (regardless of their length and nature) so that later clustering of time series can be done based on these characteristics.

This collection of packages is called tydieverts and the book was written by Rob Hyndman, well-known in the circles of forecasting specialists, already the 3rd edition Forecasting: Principles and Practice in accordance with the evolution of packages. (By the way, statmodels likes to refer to this author in the help for their forecasting functions).

The concept of the tydiverts ecosystem is completely identical to the concept of the tidyverse ecosystem and, accordingly, everything is compatible between these two families, which gives explosive performance and code readability.

Below is an example of forecasting a set of time series by a set of models based on the fable package

pckgs <- c('fable','fable.prophet','tsibble','feasts')
# install.packages(pckgs) # install packages of 'tidyverts' ecosystem
lapply(X = c(pckgs,'tidyverse'), FUN = library, character.only = TRUE) # load 'tidyverts' + 'tidyverse' packages
# extract and filter multiple timeseries data frame from tsibble datasets
data(tourism,package = 'tsibble')
tourism_melb <- tourism %>% filter(Region == "Melbourne",State=="Victoria") %>% select(-Region,-State)
tourism_melb # you can see "Key: Purpose" in title (4 time series groups:Business,Holiday,Visiting,Other), see tsibble docs about create key
## # A tsibble: 320 x 3 [1Q]
## # Key:       Purpose [4]
##    Quarter Purpose  Trips
##      <qtr> <chr>    <dbl>
##  1 1998 Q1 Business  405.
##  2 1998 Q2 Business  408.
##  3 1998 Q3 Business  486.
##  4 1998 Q4 Business  429.
##  5 1999 Q1 Business  361.
##  6 1999 Q2 Business  486.
##  7 1999 Q3 Business  359.
##  8 1999 Q4 Business  426.
##  9 2000 Q1 Business  495.
## 10 2000 Q2 Business  499.
## # … with 310 more rows
tourism_melb %>% autoplot(.vars = Trips) # plot multiple timeseries in on line of code

train <- tourism_melb %>% filter_index(~'2015 Q4') # filter time series from start to 4Q 2015
fit <- train %>% # create multiple AUTO-tuning models for each time series by tsibble key
    ets = ETS(Trips ~ trend("A")), # auto Exponential models (HOLT, HOLT-Winters,...etc)
    arima = ARIMA(Trips), # auto ARIMA
    snaive=SNAIVE(Trips), # seasonal NAIVE
    #tslm=TSLM(log(Trips)~ trend() + season()),  # YOU MAY (UN)COMMENT ANY MODEL WITHOUT CODE CORRECTION BELOW!!! (regression with trend + seasonal)
    theta=THETA(Trips), # theta model
    prophet=prophet(Trips~ season("year", 4, type = "multiplicative"))
    ) %>% 
  mutate(combine=(ets+arima+snaive+prophet+theta)/5) # create model ensemble
## # A mable: 4 x 7
## # Key:     Purpose [4]
##   Purpose           ets        arima   snaive   theta   prophet       combine
##   <chr>         <model>      <model>  <model> <model>   <model>       <model>
## 1 Business <ETS(A,A,A)> <NULL model> <SNAIVE> <THETA> <prophet> <COMBINATION>
## 2 Holiday  <ETS(M,A,A)> <NULL model> <SNAIVE> <THETA> <prophet> <COMBINATION>
## 3 Other    <ETS(M,A,N)> <NULL model> <SNAIVE> <THETA> <prophet> <COMBINATION>
## 4 Visiting <ETS(A,A,A)> <NULL model> <SNAIVE> <THETA> <prophet> <COMBINATION>
fc <- fit %>% forecast(h = "2 years") # create forecasts from each model for each timeseries
## # A fable: 192 x 5 [1Q]
## # Key:     Purpose, .model [24]
##    Purpose  .model Quarter        Trips .mean
##    <chr>    <chr>    <qtr>       <dist> <dbl>
##  1 Business ets    2016 Q1 N(470, 3380)  470.
##  2 Business ets    2016 Q2 N(546, 3470)  546.
##  3 Business ets    2016 Q3 N(562, 3560)  562.
##  4 Business ets    2016 Q4 N(530, 3651)  530.
##  5 Business ets    2017 Q1 N(475, 3741)  475.
##  6 Business ets    2017 Q2 N(551, 3831)  551.
##  7 Business ets    2017 Q3 N(567, 3922)  567.
##  8 Business ets    2017 Q4 N(535, 4012)  535.
##  9 Business arima  2016 Q1           NA   NA 
## 10 Business arima  2016 Q2           NA   NA 
## # … with 182 more rows
fc %>% autoplot(tourism_melb) # plot forecast and actual values by one line of code

ac <- fc %>% accuracy(data = tourism_melb,measures = list(mape=MAPE, rmse=RMSE)) %>% 
  relocate(Purpose,.before = .model)%>% arrange(Purpose,rmse) # evaluate models accuracy by test period (>'2015 Q4')
## # A tibble: 24 × 5
##    Purpose  .model  .type   mape  rmse
##    <chr>    <chr>   <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 Business prophet Test   11.4   84.0
##  2 Business snaive  Test   15.1  111. 
##  3 Business ets     Test   15.2  116. 
##  4 Business theta   Test   16.0  122. 
##  5 Business arima   Test  NaN    NaN  
##  6 Business combine Test  NaN    NaN  
##  7 Holiday  prophet Test    7.27  72.4
##  8 Holiday  ets     Test    7.78  76.7
##  9 Holiday  theta   Test    7.91  84.3
## 10 Holiday  snaive  Test    9.46  88.7
## # … with 14 more rows
best_ac <- ac %>% group_by(Purpose) %>% arrange(rmse) %>% slice(1) %>% ungroup() # get best model for each time series by min(rmse)
best_ac # we can see that for 'Business' and 'Holiday'  it prophet, for 'Other' and 'Visiting' - ARIMA 
## # A tibble: 4 × 5
##   Purpose  .model  .type  mape  rmse
##   <chr>    <chr>   <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Business prophet Test  11.4   84.0
## 2 Holiday  prophet Test   7.27  72.4
## 3 Other    ets     Test   7.60  14.1
## 4 Visiting prophet Test  11.2  101.
fc_bestmodels <- fc %>% inner_join(best_ac,by = c('Purpose','.model')) %>% tibble() %>% 
  select(Purpose,  Quarter, frcst_val = .mean,.model) # get best forecast values
## # A tibble: 32 × 4
##    Purpose  Quarter frcst_val .model 
##    <chr>      <qtr>     <dbl> <chr>  
##  1 Business 2016 Q1      478. prophet
##  2 Business 2016 Q2      565. prophet
##  3 Business 2016 Q3      609. prophet
##  4 Business 2016 Q4      574. prophet
##  5 Business 2017 Q1      493. prophet
##  6 Business 2017 Q2      588. prophet
##  7 Business 2017 Q3      628. prophet
##  8 Business 2017 Q4      586. prophet
##  9 Holiday  2016 Q1      688. prophet
## 10 Holiday  2016 Q2      622. prophet
## # … with 22 more rows

Feature extraction for clustering or search unusual time series

Below is a small example of how to use the feasts package extract characteristics from time series for their subsequent clustering or search for unusual examples after dimension compression

# Compute features
tourism # 304 timeseries (key[304] in table title)
## # A tsibble: 24,320 x 5 [1Q]
## # Key:       Region, State, Purpose [304]
##    Quarter Region   State           Purpose  Trips
##      <qtr> <chr>    <chr>           <chr>    <dbl>
##  1 1998 Q1 Adelaide South Australia Business  135.
##  2 1998 Q2 Adelaide South Australia Business  110.
##  3 1998 Q3 Adelaide South Australia Business  166.
##  4 1998 Q4 Adelaide South Australia Business  127.
##  5 1999 Q1 Adelaide South Australia Business  137.
##  6 1999 Q2 Adelaide South Australia Business  200.
##  7 1999 Q3 Adelaide South Australia Business  169.
##  8 1999 Q4 Adelaide South Australia Business  134.
##  9 2000 Q1 Adelaide South Australia Business  154.
## 10 2000 Q2 Adelaide South Australia Business  169.
## # … with 24,310 more rows
tourism_features <- tourism %>% features(Trips, feature_set(pkgs="feasts"))
tourism_features # 50(!!!) features extracted for each time series by 1 line of code
## # A tibble: 304 × 45
##    Region         State Purpose trend_strength seasonal_streng… seasonal_peak_y…
##    <chr>          <chr> <chr>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>
##  1 Adelaide       Sout… Busine…          0.464            0.407                3
##  2 Adelaide       Sout… Holiday          0.554            0.619                1
##  3 Adelaide       Sout… Other            0.746            0.202                2
##  4 Adelaide       Sout… Visiti…          0.435            0.452                1
##  5 Adelaide Hills Sout… Busine…          0.464            0.179                3
##  6 Adelaide Hills Sout… Holiday          0.528            0.296                2
##  7 Adelaide Hills Sout… Other            0.593            0.404                2
##  8 Adelaide Hills Sout… Visiti…          0.488            0.254                0
##  9 Alice Springs  Nort… Busine…          0.534            0.251                0
## 10 Alice Springs  Nort… Holiday          0.381            0.832                3
## # … with 294 more rows, and 39 more variables: seasonal_trough_year <dbl>,
## #   spikiness <dbl>, linearity <dbl>, curvature <dbl>, stl_e_acf1 <dbl>,
## #   stl_e_acf10 <dbl>, acf1 <dbl>, acf10 <dbl>, diff1_acf1 <dbl>,
## #   diff1_acf10 <dbl>, diff2_acf1 <dbl>, diff2_acf10 <dbl>, season_acf1 <dbl>,
## #   pacf5 <dbl>, diff1_pacf5 <dbl>, diff2_pacf5 <dbl>, season_pacf <dbl>,
## #   zero_run_mean <dbl>, nonzero_squared_cv <dbl>, zero_start_prop <dbl>,
## #   zero_end_prop <dbl>, lambda_guerrero <dbl>, nsdiffs <int>, bp_stat <dbl>, …
# Unusual time series can be identified by first doing a principal components decomposition
pcs <- tourism_features %>% select(-State, -Region, -Purpose) %>% prcomp(scale=TRUE) %>% augment(tourism_features) 
pcs %>% ggplot(aes(x=.fittedPC1, y=.fittedPC2, col=Purpose)) + geom_point() + theme(aspect.ratio=1)

# We can then identify some unusual series.
unusual <- pcs %>% filter(.fittedPC1 > 10.5) %>% select(Region, State, Purpose, .fittedPC1, .fittedPC2)

# plot unusual time series by 1 line of code
tourism %>% semi_join(unusual) %>% autoplot()

Achieving the same with python would’ve taken much more code and effort.

python has no list equivalent class

In R the list data structure let’s one store arbitrary objects in a vector which can be accessed by both element index and element name. For example:

r_list <- list(
  a_vector = c("a", "c", "R"), a_scalar = 3,
  another_list = list("yay", c(1, 3))

## access by index:

## access by names:

In python one can either store data in a list which can be accessed by element index but has no names:

python_list = [["a","c","R"], 3, ["yay", [1,3]]]

or in a dictionary which allows accessing elements by name but not by element index (in fact it has no ordering at all!)

python_dict = {
'another_list':["yay", [1,3]]}

Package management and distribution

In R every package that is hosted on CRAN needs to satisfy a list of requirements that ensure it’s well documented and usable.

One might argue that this stifles code sharing but package hosting and installing from github is pretty straightforward in R. I do that myself.

pypi on the other hand has no such standards and as a result, you never really know what you get.

with python you never know what you get

credit to Adam Soffer for the brilliant reference

Below I elaborate on a couple of issues that arise from this setup:

Depndencies management

R package versions rarely break your code - things that used to work just keep working in new versions.

When you pick up a new library in python it’s not rare to need to either downgrade or look up very specific library versions that work with the one you’re trying to use. This problem is so big that using virtual environments becomes almost a necessity in order to have any change of managing all the dependencies across different projects. The headache doesn’t end there as you’ll need to make sense of which virtual environment tool to use: there’s venv, virtualenv, pyenv and many more! You can see some of the confusion manifested in this stack overflow question.

The packrat or renv packages in R fulfills the same functionality but one rarely has to use them. It’s more for maintaining reproducibility.


Documentation in R has a predetermined structure. They all need to have a title, a description, usage pattern, arguments, details section etc which makes reading new documentation much easier because you know what to expect and where to look for the information you’re after.

R documentation is also rendered very nicely in the Rstudio IDE (not strictly an R feature by itself I admit).


In R the basic objects are all vectors and thus vectorized operations are natural. In python however the basic objects are lists so one has to either use list comprehensions which are less readable and slower or convert the lists to numpy arrays to get the same vectorization capabilities.

For example let’s say we’d like to multiply all elements of a vector by 2. In R:

myVector <- 1:5
myVector * 2
## [1]  2  4  6  8 10

Doing the same for a list would look like this:

myList = [1,2,3,4,5]
[i*2 for i in myList]
## [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

This can be really slow for very large vectors. We could import the numpy module to get the same functionality:

import numpy as np
myVector = np.arange(1,6,1) # notice how the "to" argument is 6 rather than 5.
myVector * 2
## array([ 2,  4,  6,  8, 10])

Here’s another example: Suppose we’d like to pick elements of a vector based on another boolean/index vector. In R:

indexVector <- 1:5
valueVector <- LETTERS[indexVector]
greaterThan2 <- indexVector > 2
## [1] "C" "D" "E"

Using python lists isn’t so straight forward. Based on this stack overflow answer (which got 147 upvotes - to a question that got 113 upvotes as of 10.6.2021) you’d need to use list comprehension like so:

indexVector = [1,2,3,4,5]
valueVector = [r.LETTERS[i - 1] for i in indexVector]
greaterThan2 = [indexVector[i] > 2 for i in range(len(indexVector))]
[val for is_good, val in zip(greaterThan2, valueVector) if is_good]
## ['C', 'D', 'E']

Way less elegant and possibly slow for large vectors. It’s so un-elegant that a special function was written to accomplish the task:

from itertools import compress
list(compress(valueVector, greaterThan2))
## ['C', 'D', 'E']

Even that solution is pretty cumbersome compared with the R native way of doing it.

One has to use numpy to enjoy the same functionality:

import numpy as np
indexVector = np.arange(1,6)
valueVector = np.array(r.LETTERS)[indexVector]
greaterThan2 = indexVector > 2
## array(['D', 'E', 'F'], dtype='<U1')

Cases where python is better than R

Below are a few cases where I concede python can be easier/faster to work with than R.

Cutting edge deep learning

Both R and python has mature API’s for the 2 main deep learning frameworks - tensorflow and pytorch. Both also have an API for Keras. These probably cover the vast majority of use cases in deep learning.

For the most cutting edge models it might be preferable to use python directly (instead of through reticulate) as these are usually developed with python and their experimental nature often necessitates being able to look under the hood and dealing with complex configurations.

pySpark is more developed than sparkR/sparklyr (?)

One of the most popular tools to deal with big data is Apache Spark. Both python and R has API’s for spark (pyspark for python and SparkR and sparklyr in R).

The beauty of sparklyr is that it enables one to use spark with dplyr syntax. So if you know dplyr you get spark for free. Pretty good for standard operations.

Until recently I thought pyspark was more advanced than SparkR due to having pandas UDF, but now I’m not entirely sure as I just read a post about how to deploy pretty much every R ML package using the Spark engine.

List backlog

Below is a list of points I might develop into full examples. Feel free to pick one and expand on it!

  • A point for python: Classes are easier to understand compared with S3 as the membership definition is more transparently tied to the class. Also figuring out which methods exist for a given class can be challenging in R.

  • Add to pandas index section the annoying part of assigning values to a dataframe slice. See this

  • R has great utilities for package writing - roxygen2 for example.

  • Plotting in R is much better This may be a bit subjective as to which graphics look better - ggplot2 or matplotlib/seaborn. python has also plotnine but it’s way less feature rich, and does not have the myriad of extension package as in r (e.g. gganimate).

  • Many folks like to say that one of python’s greatest advantages is that it’s a general programming language. Now, I have to admit I don’t understand what that means in practice. But I do feel it’s true in the sense that it feels like python wasn’t build for DS from ground up. For that reason mathematical constructs are a 2nd class citizens in it. This is most apparent in the amount of libraries involved with basic DS operations, each with it’s own code philosophy (pandas, numpy, sklearn, scipy etc). In R it all just fits together. Talk about tidyverse in contrast.

  • python copy inplace is really confusing (x = y, if you change y so does x)

  • Rmarkdown greatly expands the ability to communicate results, especially with non technical colleagues. It easily let’s one render his Rmd into word, html, md, pdf etc and share those. I have an entire site built using Rmarkdown. In order to view ipynb files one needs access to github or specialized software.

  • dplyr syntax can be used with multiple backends: spark, postgres, data.table and many others. While some functionality may not be supported, it can still save a lot of time.

  • test editing tools in Rstudio are superb (find and replace etc)


This repository enumerates all the reasons why R is better than python for DS






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