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Push your logs to Aliyun SLS (阿里云日志服务), let your logs be more convenient for statistics.


The package can be installed by adding :ex_aliyun_sls to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:ex_aliyun_sls, "~> 0.3.0"}

You should log in this way

In elixir, you can log as below.

Logger.debug "test1" #1 fn -> "test2" end #2 fn -> {"test3", [meta1: "meta1", meta2: "meta2", meta3: "meta3"]} end #3

In #1, the content will be pushed as msg. #2 is same as #1, but it may be better for performance. #3 is the way we encourage, the first element of the tuple will be set as msg, the second element - the list is a k-v list, the metadatas can be pushed as a independent field like meta1, meta2, meta3


Add Aliyun SLS information into config/config.exs

package_count means the max logs to push per time, the count will be set default to 100. package_timeout means the max time to push logs once, if you want to clear logs by time, you can set it.

config :ex_aliyun_sls, :backend,
  endpoint: "YOUR SLS ENDPOINT",
  access_key_id: "YOUR ACCESS KEY ID",
  access_key: "YOUR ACCESS KEY",
  logstore: "YOUR LOG STORE NAME",
  package_count: 100, # Default to 100
  package_timeout: 10_000 # You can choose whether to set it

Config elixir logger

Add ExAliyunSls.LoggerBackend to logger backends, :sls_log is just the name of our backend, you can use any atom u like. You can also add other backends to logger.

config :logger,
  backends: [
    {ExAliyunSls.LoggerBackend, :sls_log},

Add metadata you may want to push to sls, only the metadata in the list can be handled.

config :logger, :sls_log,
  metadata: [:pid, :module, :file, :line, :test_meta]

metadata can also be set to :all, so that all the metadata can be pushed. But in this way [:pid, :module, :file, :line] will be pushed by default.

Change the log format in Plug

Your logs through phoenix endpoint are set default by Plug.Logger. If you want to push it to aliyunsls, you should use our plug instead.

Replace the plug logger handler

# This is the endpoint.ex in your phoenix project

#plug Plug.Logger
plug ExAliyunSls.Plug.Logger

With this config, your logs are same as: fn ->
    "GET: /login, status=200, duration=0.443ms",
      duration: "0.443ms",
      status: 200,
      method: "GET",
      state: "set",
      request_path: "/login",
      params: "{your params will be formatted to json}"

Your logs for plug will turn to "GET: /login, Sent 200 in 0.443ms", and it will push the metadatas duration, method, request_path, status, state, params to aliyunsls.

Filter params

If you have some params that should not be logged into logs, you can filter them by setting filtered_params in the config file:

config :ex_aliyun_sls, :backend,
  endpoint: "YOUR SLS ENDPOINT",
  access_key_id: "YOUR ACCESS KEY ID",
  access_key: "YOUR ACCESS KEY",
  logstore: "YOUR LOG STORE NAME",
  package_count: 100,
  package_timeout: 10_000,
  filtered_params: ["name", "card"] # Add your filtered params here

Then your params of http request will filter the filtered_params, they will be replaced by ******.

Use Embedded Page of Aliyun Sls

To check and search logs in aliyun sls dashboard, we can add an embedded page to our own website.


You should create a role in Aliyun Console to make an sts role:

access_key_id: "YOUR SLS ACCESS KEY ID",
access_key_secret: "YOUR SLS ACCESS KEY SECRET"

Attention, the access_key_id and access_key_secret are not same as your sls account. It is an Aliyun STS account and assume as another Aliyun Role.

config :ex_aliyun_sls, :embed_page,
  access_key_id: "YOUR SLS ACCESS KEY ID",
  access_key_secret: "YOUR SLS ACCESS KEY SECRET",
  role_arn: "YOUR ROLE ARN",
  login_page: "YOUR LOGIN PAGE URL",
  destination: "YOUR DESTINATION URL"

How to use it

You can use ExAliyunSls.EmbedPage.get_url/5 to get the embedded page's url.

get_url(access_key_id, access_key_secret, role_arn, login_page, destination_page, duration_seconds \\ 3600, role_session_name \\ "default")


role_arn: it is Aliyun Resource Name's role, the format is acs:ram::$accountID:role/$roleName, such as acs:ram::1234567890123456:role/samplerole


login_page: it should be the page to redirect to when the embed_page failed.


destination_page: it should be the sls dashboard page you want to add to your page. These types are supported: Full log search page:<Project名称>/logsearch/<日志库名称>?hideTopbar=true&hideSidebar=true

Log search page:<Project名称>/logsearch/<日志库名称>?isShare=true&hideTopbar=true&hideSidebar=true

Dashboard page:<Project名称>/dashboard/<仪表盘名称>?isShare=true&hideTopbar=true&hideSidebar=true

Copyright and License

Copyright (c) 2019 eDragonConnect

This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. See the file for more details.