Friendly BEM class names generator. Great for React.
Bem-cn (aka BEM Class Name) is extra small (minified+gzipped less than 1Kb) and extremely simple client-side library and Node.js module.
Inspired by b_.
Why I created yet another node module?
I spent a lot of time finding BEM class name generator, that meets my needs:
- Simple usage with React
- Support modifiers without value
- Mix multiple blocks
- Friendly chainable API
But now (March 2015) I can't find it. That's why.
With Node.js:
npm i --save bem-cn
Or use Bower for install:
bower install --save bem-cn
Works with webpack and browserify:
var block = require('bem-cn');
Let's try:
var b = block('button');
// Block
b; // 'button'
b(); // 'button'
// Element
b('icon'); // 'button__icon'
// Modifier
b({ type: 'text' }); // 'button button_type_text'
b({ type: 'text' }, { type: 'colored' }); // 'button button_type_text button_type_colored'
b({ onlykey: true }); // 'button button_onlykey'
b({ without: false }); // 'button'
// Mix
b('icon').mix('another'); // 'button__icon another'
b('icon').mix([ 'one', 'two' ); // 'button__icon one two'
b('icon').mix({ one: true, two: false, three: true }); // 'button__icon one three'
b('icon').mix(b); // 'button__icon button'
// States
// As SMACSS states:
b.state({ hidden: true }); // 'button is-hidden'
b.state({ hidden: false }); // 'button'
b.state({ hidden: true, error: true }); // 'button is-hidden is-error'
// Custom separators
el: '~~',
mod: '-'
var b = block('block');
b('element'); // 'block~~element'
b({ mod: 'value' }); // 'block block-mod-value'
Usage with JSX:
var block = require('bem-cn'),
b = block('popup');
var Popup = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
<div className={b.mix(this.props.mix)}>
<span className={b('icon')} />
<div className={b('content', { skin: })}>
React.render(<Popup mix="another" skin="bright" />, target);
<div class="popup another">
<span class="popup__icon"></span>
<div class="popup__content popup__content_skin_bright">