A Result and Transcript Processing System for Universities
Welcome to the RTPS Result Software page. RTPS is a result and transript processing systems for universities and other educational institutions
Result processing, broadsheet generation, senate version, GP cards, transcripts
Single click Result processing. Single click imports of result from excel file with inbuilt result checker and customizable result template
Single click broadsheet generation
Results are generated in various formats such as Senate Version, Departmntal version etc.
GP Cards showing the GPAs and for each level and CGPA for each student
One click generation of fully formatted transcripts
All results are saved automatically into the database. Changes to results are saved as seperate records
Result templates, result uploading, viewing, checking, saving, editing and more.
- Import Result.
- View Result Summary
- View Detailed Results.
- Save Results
- Delete Results
- Archive Results
The solution is elegant, single clicks of the mouse delivers very powerful, accurate and timely processing. The user interface is intuitive
Result template, upload, view, editResult template, upload, view, editResult template, upload, view, edit and more.
The broadsheet generatin engine is the power horse of the application. Processes such as chects for registration of courses, course grades computation, GPA computations, total credits registered, total credits passd, total credits failed, status, class of degreeetc are done automaticlly
- Compact and elegant.
- Slash notation for repeated course.
- Generation of broadsheets that comply with faculty format with ease
- Export to Excel
- Export to PDF.
- Print.
- Configuration Options such as : Name of HOD, Dean and Course Adviser; Order of Courses in First and second Semester
- Audit trail for upgrades, waivers, etc.
One important function of a Course Advisor/ Academic Advisor is to compute the GPA of each student for various purposes such as ranking and data generation for schorlarship applications.
- Worksheet style report of GPA for each student.
- Customizable GPA computation weightings.
- Single click operation.
Availiable only in the enterprise version
The audt trail features ensures that yo know exactly who did what, what exactly was done and when exactly it was done
- Encryption Schemes .
- Tracking of every change to results in database
- Audit logs
MODE OF DEVELOPMENT - Rapid Development
- GitHub
- Database Designer
- Microsoft Excel
- Visual Studio
- Inno Setup https://jrsoftware.org/isdl.php
- ExcelDataReader
- Microsoft Access
- Visual Studio Code Progress Report with Tools:
** GitHub:
- Communication and project contributions was done using this platform.
- GitHub was also used to merge the codes from the contributors.
** Microsoft Excel:
- The sample data is stored in spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel
- This data is then imported into the database
** Xammp:
- Xammp is then used to create and design the database for the system using SQL code
** Database Designer:
- The SQL syntax from the database has been imported to the Database Designer which is used to design the schema for the system.
- This schema aided in the design of the relationship between the entities of the tables.
** Visual Studio:
- The design for the desktop application is underway using visual basic (visual Basic).