A very basic demo project using serverless plugin to show a CloudFormation deploy
mkdir ~/workspace
cd ~/workspace
git clone --progress https://github.com/edgarchinchilla/sls-basic-demo.git
npm install -g serverless
cd ~/workspace/sls-basic-demo && npm install
aws configure --profile <name-of-your-project>-<stage>
AWS Access Key ID [None]: <access-key-id>
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: <secret-access-key>
Default region name [None]: <region>
Default output format [None]: json
NOTE: Even though you can skip this, we recommend the creation (on AWS IAM) and register (with the previous command) of new profile with the policy
. You can create as many IAM Users/Profiles as you want, for example you can create one for your AWS DEV account and assign it to the serverless DEV stage and create one for your AWS PROD account and assign it to the serverless PROD stage.
- Initialize the project
cd ~/workspace/sls-basic-demo
serverless project init -n <name-of-your-project> -s <stage> -r <region> -c true
Update (by adding the provided keys) the serverless vars
.json{ "message": "A message from Serverless ENV vars" }
Run the project locally (Emulate it)
cd ~/workspace/sls-basic-demo
serverless serve start -s <stage> -r <region>
- Deploy project
cd ~/workspace/sls-basic-demo
serverless resources deploy -s <stage> -r <region>
serverless dash deploy -s <stage> -r <region>
#Select all the resources -> Deploy
Getting relevant data
After the execution of the previous commands, you can go to your _meta/variables/s-variables-
.json and copy the new generated keys:-
With this key pair you are ready to generate AWSv4 Signed requests to the generated APIG endpoint
NOTE: You can get the APIG endpoint from the console after the
serverless dash...
command execution or you can go to the AWS console and search for a new APIG with the same name choosen for this project. -
The next example shows how to generate a very basic request (using Node.js) to the APIG generated by this project, in the example the request invokes the lambda for create a backup of the Auth0 Users Database:
var https = require('https');
var aws4 = require('aws4');
var signer = new aws4.sign({
service: 'execute-api',
region: '<region>',
path: '/<stage>/hello',
host: '5aexamplebf.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com'
}, {
accessKeyId: '<your-generated-iamUserAccessKeyId>',
secretAccessKey: '<your-generated-iamUserSecretAccessKey>'
https.request(signer, function(res) { res.pipe(process.stdout) }).end();