`cargo publish --manifest-path /Users/runner/work/zenoh/zenoh/zenoh/commons/zenoh-macros/Cargo.toml` failed with status code 101:
Updating crates.io index
Packaging zenoh-macros v1.0.0-alpha.3 (/Users/runner/work/zenoh/zenoh/zenoh/commons/zenoh-macros)
Verifying zenoh-macros v1.0.0-alpha.3 (/Users/runner/work/zenoh/zenoh/zenoh/commons/zenoh-macros)
Updating crates.io index
Downloading crates ...
Downloaded zenoh-keyexpr v1.0.0-alpha.3
Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.86
Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12
Compiling cfg-if v1.0.0
Compiling libc v0.2.155
Compiling version_check v0.9.4
Compiling ahash v0.8.11
Compiling serde v1.0.204
Compiling serde_json v1.0.120
Compiling quote v1.0.36
Compiling syn v2.0.69
Compiling anyhow v1.0.86
Compiling once_cell v1.19.0
Compiling zerocopy v0.7.35
Compiling paste v1.0.15
Compiling getrandom v0.2.15
Compiling schemars v0.8.21
Compiling allocator-api2 v0.2.18
Compiling ryu v1.0.18
Compiling itoa v1.0.11
Compiling hashbrown v0.14.5
Compiling rand_core v0.6.4
Compiling dyn-clone v1.0.17
Compiling keyed-set v1.0.0
Compiling zenoh-result v1.0.0-alpha.3
Compiling rand v0.8.5
Compiling token-cell v1.5.0
Compiling zenoh-macros v1.0.0-alpha.3 (/Users/runner/work/zenoh/zenoh/zenoh/target/package/zenoh-macros-1.0.0-alpha.3)
Compiling serde_derive_internals v0.29.1
Compiling serde_derive v1.0.204
Compiling schemars_derive v0.8.21
Compiling zenoh-keyexpr v1.0.0-alpha.3
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 8.14s
Packaged 7 files, 35.6KiB (9.0KiB compressed)
Uploading zenoh-macros v1.0.0-alpha.3 (/Users/runner/work/zenoh/zenoh/zenoh/commons/zenoh-macros)
error: failed to publish to registry at https://crates.io
Caused by:
the remote server responded with an error (status 400 Bad Request): The following category slugs are not currently supported on crates.io: proc-macros
See https://crates.io/category_slugs for a list of supported slugs.