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Understanding our multi instance and versioning behaviour

Santiago Julian edited this page Jul 17, 2023 · 6 revisions

Like mentioned in the important to know! section, In this wiki page we want to talk a bit about the structure, documentation instances, versioning and conditional rendering (non official) solution for the versions dropdown menu.

Our multi-instance structure

We have structured our documentation i a way that it's divided in 3 instances/folders:

  • ./docs -> dedicated to the Developer Hub content (not versioned)
  • ./docs-kits -> dedicated to the KITs content (versioned)
  • ./docs-products -> dedicated to the products content (not in use yet)

With this structure we are able to have a better control and organisation of the code, and also allow us to have separated versions for each instance if needed.

Each instance/folder's sidebar is also defined in a separate file, like follows:

  • ./docs -> sidebars.js
  • ./docs-kits -> sidebarsDocskits.js
  • ./docs-products -> sidebarsDocsProducts.js

To understand and know more about the multi-instance setup check the official documentation.

Creating new versions

The creation/tagging of a new version will follow a scheduled period of time, through the CLI is very easy to do it as it's indicated in here, it is only needed to run the following command to tag a new version of the docs-kits instance:

npm run docusaurus docs:version:docs-kits 1.0.0

This command will freeze (create a copy) all the documentation included in the ./docs-kits folder at the moment of the creation and storage said copy in the ./docs-kits-versioned_docs folder. At the same time, it will create a copy of the sidebarsDocsKits.js file and it will storage it in the ./docs-kits_versioned_sidebars folder.

That way docusaurus handles the different versions and is the reason why the ./docs-kits folder is pointing always to the Next version.

IMPORTANT do not tag a new version unless is explicitly requested by the eclipse-tractusx repository's committers.

Versions dropdown menu

Following the Navbar docs version dropdown documentation, our versions dropdown menu is defined here:

    /** @type {import('@docusaurus/preset-classic').ThemeConfig} */
      // ...
      navbar: {
        title: 'Eclipse Tractus-X',
        logo: {
          alt: 'Eclipse Tractus-X logo',
          src: 'img/logo_tractus-x.svg',
        items: [
          // ...
            type: 'docsVersionDropdown',
            docsPluginId: 'docs-kits',
            position: 'right'
          // ...
      // ...

This last declaration will include automatically all the created versions from the ./docs-kits instance, but it will be displayed at all time. This is a behaviour that we wanted to avoid, because it could create a misunderstanding for the user and raised questions like: what documentation does that version dropdown menu is pointing at? what if other instance needs to be versioned as well? Docusaurus doesn't provided an official solution for this scenario, but the community provided a good one that you can check at the end of this tread, it required to swizzle the DocsVersionDropdownNavbarItem to make the conditional rendering of it depending on the navigation location in the page.