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Change the parameters to allow loading files between dates
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gnrgomes committed Jun 1, 2024
1 parent f7a970a commit 7d2f837
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 43 deletions.
131 changes: 88 additions & 43 deletions src/lisfloodutilities/gridding/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -118,10 +118,28 @@ def get_decumulated_dataframes(conf: Config, kiwis_filepaths: List[Path], kiwis_
df_kiwis_array = filter_class.filter(kiwis_filepaths, kiwis_str_timestamps, kiwis_dataframes)
return df_kiwis_array

def processable_file(file_timestamp: datetime, start_date: datetime = None, end_date: datetime = None) -> bool:
return (start_date is not None and start_date <= file_timestamp and
end_date is not None and file_timestamp <= end_date)

def run(config_filename_24h: str, config_filename_6h: str, file_utils_24h: FileUtils, file_utils_6h: FileUtils,
kiwis_24h_06am_path: Path, kiwis_6h_12pm_path: Path, kiwis_6h_18pm_path: Path, kiwis_6h_12am_path: Path, kiwis_6h_06am_path: Path,
output_path: Path = None):
def get_timestamp_from_filename(conf: Config, filename: Path) -> datetime:
file_timestamp = datetime.strptime(, conf.input_timestamp_pattern)
if conf.force_time is not None:
new_time = datetime.strptime(conf.force_time, "%H%M").time()
file_timestamp = datetime.combine(, new_time)
return file_timestamp

def get_24h_kiwis_paths(conf: Config, infolder: Path):
kiwis_paths = []
for filename_kiwis in sorted(infolder.rglob(conf.input_wildcard)):
kiwis_timestamp = get_timestamp_from_filename(conf, filename_kiwis)
if processable_file(kiwis_timestamp, conf.start_date, conf.end_date):
kiwis_paths.append((filename_kiwis, kiwis_timestamp))
return kiwis_paths

def run(conf_24h: Config, conf_6h: Config, kiwis_24h_06am_path: Path, kiwis_6h_12pm_path: Path,
kiwis_6h_18pm_path: Path, kiwis_6h_12am_path: Path, kiwis_6h_06am_path: Path, output_path: Path = None):
Interpolate text files containing (x, y, value) using inverse distance interpolation.
Produces as output, either a netCDF file containing all the grids or one TIFF file per grid.
Expand All @@ -132,13 +150,6 @@ def run(config_filename_24h: str, config_filename_6h: str, file_utils_24h: FileU
global quiet_mode

interpolation_mode = 'adw'
memory_save_mode = 0
start_date = None
end_date = None
conf_24h = Config(config_filename_24h, start_date, end_date, quiet_mode, interpolation_mode, memory_save_mode)
conf_6h = Config(config_filename_6h, start_date, end_date, quiet_mode, interpolation_mode, memory_save_mode)

print_msg('Start reading files')
df_kiwis_array_24h, kiwis_timestamps_24h, kiwis_str_timestamps_24h = get_dataframes(conf_24h, [kiwis_24h_06am_path])
df_kiwis_array_6h, kiwis_timestamps_6h, kiwis_str_timestamps_6h = get_dataframes(conf_6h, [kiwis_6h_12pm_path, kiwis_6h_18pm_path,
Expand All @@ -149,7 +160,7 @@ def run(config_filename_24h: str, config_filename_6h: str, file_utils_24h: FileU
(kiwis_timestamps_24h[0] - timedelta(hours=12)) == kiwis_timestamps_6h[1] and
(kiwis_timestamps_24h[0] - timedelta(hours=18)) == kiwis_timestamps_6h[0]):
raise ArgumentTypeError("The input kiwis do not respect the expected timestamps.")

kiwis_dataframes = df_kiwis_array_24h
kiwis_timestamps = kiwis_str_timestamps_24h
Expand All @@ -175,6 +186,13 @@ def get_existing_file_path(parser: ArgumentParser, input_file_path: str) -> Path
parser.error(f'Input file {file_path} does not exist or cannot be opened.')
return file_path

def get_6hourly_filepath(parser: ArgumentParser, conf: Config, kiwis_6h_folder_path: Path, kiwis_6h_timestamp: datetime) -> Path:
kiwis_6h_filename = kiwis_6h_timestamp.strftime(conf.input_timestamp_pattern)
for filename_kiwis in sorted(kiwis_6h_folder_path.rglob(kiwis_6h_filename)):
return filename_kiwis
parser.error(f'Input file {kiwis_6h_filename} does not exist in folder {kiwis_6h_folder_path}.')
return None

def main(argv):
'''Command line options.'''
global quiet_mode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -208,21 +226,12 @@ def main(argv):

parser.add_argument("-d", "--pr24h", dest="kiwis_24h_06am_path", required=True, type=FileUtils.file_type,
help="Set the input kiwis file containing daily precipitation for a given day.",
parser.add_argument("-1", "--pr6h12pm", dest="kiwis_6h_12pm_path", required=True, type=FileUtils.file_type,
help="Set the input kiwis file containing the first 6hourly timestep of precipitation 12:00 of the previous day.",
parser.add_argument("-2", "--pr6h18pm", dest="kiwis_6h_18pm_path", required=True, type=FileUtils.file_type,
help="Set the input kiwis file containing the second 6hourly timestep of precipitation 18:00 of the previous day.",
parser.add_argument("-3", "--pr6h12am", dest="kiwis_6h_12am_path", required=True, type=FileUtils.file_type,
help="Set the input kiwis file containing the first 6hourly timestep of precipitation 00:00 of the daily precipitation day.",
parser.add_argument("-4", "--pr6h06am", dest="kiwis_6h_06am_path", required=True, type=FileUtils.file_type,
help="Set the input kiwis file containing the first 6hourly timestep of precipitation 06:00 of the daily precipitation day.",
parser.add_argument("-d", "--pr24h", dest="kiwis_24h_folder_path", required=True, type=FileUtils.folder_type,
help="Set the input kiwis file folder containing daily precipitation.",
parser.add_argument("-g", "--pr6h", dest="kiwis_6h_folder_path", required=True, type=FileUtils.folder_type,
help="Set the input kiwis file folder containing 6 hourly precipitation.",
parser.add_argument("-o", "--out", dest="output_folder", required=False, type=FileUtils.folder_type,
help="Set the output folder where the resulting 6h kiwis will be stored. If this folder is not set, it will change the input kiwis.",
Expand All @@ -238,6 +247,12 @@ def main(argv):
parser.add_argument("-6", "--var6h", dest="variable_code_6h", required=True,
help="Set the 6hourly variable to be processed.",
parser.add_argument("-s", "--start", dest="start_date",
help="Set the start date and time from which data is imported [default: date defining the time units inside the config file]",
parser.add_argument("-e", "--end", dest="end_date",
help="Set the end date and time until which data is imported [default: %(default)s]",
parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="Set script output into quiet mode [default: %(default)s]")

# process options
Expand All @@ -246,6 +261,23 @@ def main(argv):

configuration_base_folder = os.path.join(program_path, '../src/lisfloodutilities/gridding/configuration')

start_date = None
start_date = datetime.strptime(args.start_date, FileUtils.DATE_PATTERN_CONDENSED)
start_date_str = start_date.strftime(FileUtils.DATE_PATTERN_SEPARATED)
print_msg(f"Start Date: {start_date_str}")
except Exception as t:
print_msg(f"Start Date: DEFAULT")

end_date = None
end_date = datetime.strptime(args.end_date, FileUtils.DATE_PATTERN_CONDENSED)
except Exception as t:
print_msg(f"Warning: {args.end_date} does not seem a valid date. Setting up default end date")
end_date = datetime.strptime(END_DATE_DEFAULT, FileUtils.DATE_PATTERN_CONDENSED)
end_date_str = end_date.strftime(FileUtils.DATE_PATTERN_SEPARATED)
print_msg(f"End Date: {end_date_str}")

if args.config_base_path is not None and len(args.config_base_path) > 0:
configuration_base_folder = args.config_base_path

Expand All @@ -257,30 +289,43 @@ def main(argv):
config_type_path_6h = file_utils_6h.get_config_type_path(configuration_base_folder, args.config_type)
config_filename_6h = file_utils_6h.get_config_file(config_type_path_6h)

interpolation_mode = 'adw'
memory_save_mode = 5
conf_24h = Config(config_filename_24h, start_date, end_date, quiet_mode, interpolation_mode, memory_save_mode)
conf_6h = Config(config_filename_6h, start_date, end_date, quiet_mode, interpolation_mode, memory_save_mode)
print_msg(f"Config File 24h: {config_filename_24h}")
print_msg(f"Config File 6h: {config_filename_6h}")

if args.output_folder is not None and len(args.output_folder) > 0:
output_path = Path(args.output_folder)
print_msg(f"Output Folder: {output_path}")
output_path = None
print_msg(f"Output Folder: 6hourly kiwis files will be overwritten")

kiwis_24h_06am_path = get_existing_file_path(parser, args.kiwis_24h_06am_path)
kiwis_6h_12pm_path = get_existing_file_path(parser, args.kiwis_6h_12pm_path)
kiwis_6h_18pm_path = get_existing_file_path(parser, args.kiwis_6h_18pm_path)
kiwis_6h_12am_path = get_existing_file_path(parser, args.kiwis_6h_12am_path)
kiwis_6h_06am_path = get_existing_file_path(parser, args.kiwis_6h_06am_path)

print_msg(f"Daily PR kiwis file: {args.kiwis_24h_06am_path}")
print_msg(f"6hourly PR kiwis file 12:00: {args.kiwis_6h_12pm_path}")
print_msg(f"6hourly PR kiwis file 18:00: {args.kiwis_6h_18pm_path}")
print_msg(f"6hourly PR kiwis file 00:00: {args.kiwis_6h_12am_path}")
print_msg(f"6hourly PR kiwis file 06:00: {args.kiwis_6h_06am_path}")
print_msg(f"Config File 24h: {config_filename_24h}")
print_msg(f"Config File 6h: {config_filename_6h}")

run(config_filename_24h, config_filename_6h, file_utils_24h, file_utils_6h,
kiwis_24h_06am_path, kiwis_6h_12pm_path, kiwis_6h_18pm_path,
kiwis_6h_12am_path, kiwis_6h_06am_path, output_path=output_path)
kiwis_24h_paths = get_24h_kiwis_paths(conf_24h, Path(args.kiwis_24h_folder_path))
kiwis_6h_folder_path = Path(args.kiwis_6h_folder_path)

for filename_kiwis, kiwis_timestamp in kiwis_24h_paths:
kiwis_24h_06am_path = get_existing_file_path(parser, str(filename_kiwis))
kiwis_6h_06am_timestamp = kiwis_timestamp
kiwis_6h_12am_timestamp = kiwis_timestamp - timedelta(hours=6)
kiwis_6h_18pm_timestamp = kiwis_timestamp - timedelta(hours=12)
kiwis_6h_12pm_timestamp = kiwis_timestamp - timedelta(hours=18)

kiwis_6h_06am_path = get_6hourly_filepath(parser, conf_6h, kiwis_6h_folder_path, kiwis_6h_06am_timestamp)
kiwis_6h_12am_path = get_6hourly_filepath(parser, conf_6h, kiwis_6h_folder_path, kiwis_6h_12am_timestamp)
kiwis_6h_18pm_path = get_6hourly_filepath(parser, conf_6h, kiwis_6h_folder_path, kiwis_6h_18pm_timestamp)
kiwis_6h_12pm_path = get_6hourly_filepath(parser, conf_6h, kiwis_6h_folder_path, kiwis_6h_12pm_timestamp)

print_msg(f"Daily PR kiwis file: {kiwis_24h_06am_path}")
print_msg(f"6hourly PR kiwis file 12:00: {kiwis_6h_12pm_path}")
print_msg(f"6hourly PR kiwis file 18:00: {kiwis_6h_18pm_path}")
print_msg(f"6hourly PR kiwis file 00:00: {kiwis_6h_12am_path}")
print_msg(f"6hourly PR kiwis file 06:00: {kiwis_6h_06am_path}")

run(conf_24h, conf_6h, kiwis_24h_06am_path, kiwis_6h_12pm_path,
kiwis_6h_18pm_path, kiwis_6h_12am_path, kiwis_6h_06am_path, output_path=output_path)
except Exception as e:
indent = len(program_name) * " "
sys.stderr.write(program_name + ": " + repr(e) + "\n")
Expand Down

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