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Configuring WRF for Brazil
WRF / WPS Documentation: http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/docs/user_guide_V3/contents.html
Stampede documentation: https://github.com/ebimodeling/wrf-downscaling/blob/master/Stampede/instructions/wps-wrf-workflow-run
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/src/wps_files/geog_complete.tar.bz2
tar -xvjf geog_complete.tar.bz2
- Download ERA interim files
python era-int/retrieve_eraint_data_for_wps.py --strt_dt='1987-09-30' --end_dt='1987-10-02'
- this should provide the following files:
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/src/WRFV3.5.1.TAR.gz
mkdir WRFV351
tar -xzvf WRFV3.5.1.TAR.gz --strip-components 1 -C ./WRFV351/
Then replace the following files:
cd WRFV351/phys/
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/wrfv3.5/module_cu_gf.F
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/wrfv3.5/module_bl_mynn.F
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/wrfv3.5/module_radiation_driver.F
cd ../Registry/
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/users/wrfv3.5/Registry.EM_COMMON
On blacklight.psc.edu, the netcdf4 lib with parallel computing capability is version 4.1.3 compiled with phdf5 1.8.7. So we have to change configure.{wps|wrf} to add phdf5 lib path, otherwise netcdf lib linking fails.
bounding box for domain
Download WPS geography data and untar into geog/ directory.
Create a WRF run directory which will house WRF output and have links to (or copies of) important WRF and WPS executables. Typically, this is on a /data or /scratch drive array with efficient I/O performance.
- On Blacklight this is in
WPS generates the WRF input files (see details in WRF guide Chapter 3).
wget http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/src/WPSV3.5.1.TAR.gz
mkdir WPSV351
tar -xzvf WPSV3.5.1.TAR.gz --strip-components 1 -C ./WPSV351/
Download ERA-Interim files: ERA-Int_pl_YYYY-MM-DD.grb = Pressure level atmospheric data ERA-Int_sfc_YYYY-MM-DD.grb = Surface data
From the WRF run directory, link to the ERA-Interim Vtable (located off the WPS build directory: ./ungrib/Variable_Tables/): ./link_grib.csh /directory/of/ERA-Int/data/ERA-Int
Edit namelist.wps in the run directory to provide start and end dates for the simulation and the interval_seconds of the atmospheric data.
ERA-Int_pl_1987-01-30.grb ERA-Int_sfc_1987-09-30.grb
start_date = '1987-01-30_12:00:00',' '1987-01-30_12:00:00',
end_date = '1987-01-30_18:00:00','1987-01-30_12:00:00',
interval_seconds = 21600
The namelist.wps file identifies all the parameters related to the WPS model.
TODO ? Does this go after downloading the boundary conditions?
The WPS stage has three major steps:
- TODO How to use these? What are the inputs and outputs for each step?
- geogrid.exe Run "geogrid.exe" to build static geography data on the domain: Determines latitude, longitude, map scale factors and Coriolis parameters at every grid point. Terrain height, soil type, land use category, vegetation fraction, etc. are regridded onto simulation domains.
mpirun -n 8 geogrid.exe # <arg1> <arg2> ...
- ungrid.exe
This will create intermediate files with the naming scheme as follows: :YYYY-MM-DD_HH where prefix is set in the namelist.wps file (in the &ungrib section).
ungrid.exe <arg1> <arg2> ...
- metgrid.exe (update "prefix" to reflect the "prefix" in the &ungrib section if necessary). This will generate met_em.d0.YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MIN:SS.nc netcdf files.
ungrid.exe <arg1> <arg2> ...
- Edit namelist.input to make domain settings consistent with namelist.wps.
- Edit namelist.input to set start and end dates and interval_seconds appropriately for the atmospheric dataset.
- Set the timestep appropriately for the domain resolution.
- Set the num_metgrid_levels accordireal.eng to the atmospheric dataset vertical resolution.
- Set the num_metgrid_soil_levels according to the number of soil levels in the land model of the forcing dataset.
- Specify your desired vertial levels (for countless other parameters in this namelist, see the WRF documentation).
Run: real.exe (submit job scheduler script). Check rsl.out.0000 for successful completion.
Set up interactive node
qsub -I -q debug -l ncpus=16 -l walltime=29:00
mpirun -np 4 ./real.exe
After the WPS preprocessing, run WRF using two steps:
- Configure namelist.input file is the one that describes the parameters related to WRF model.
- namelist.input control start/finish of run
Check the time of the last outputted WRF restart file: wrfrst_d0_YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MIN:SS Update start date in namelist.input and change restart to ".true.". Submit job scheduler script. Check rsl.out.0000 for successful completion. Follows same as New run except ... (?)
- TODO what are the differences between settings for new run and estart?
- namelist.input
- set
restart = .false.,
in namelist.input? - start_* must be the same as restart files
- set
- grib files from previous run - is the format the same?
- namelist.input
- make_wrf_run_dir.py
- metgrid/METGRID.TBL
- Folder: wrfv351_eraint_1_5_2_1_1_1_1_spectral_18-6-2km/metgrid
- Folder: wrfv351_eraint_1_5_2_1_1_1_1_spectral_18-6-2km/Vtable
- retrieve_eraint_data_for_wps.py in the folder of /brashear/dlebauer/era-int
- ecmwf-api-client-python.tgz?version=4
- link_grib.csh
- namelist.wps
- namelist.input