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parameters 0.19.0

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@strengejacke strengejacke released this 05 Oct 12:33
· 804 commits to main since this release


  • Arguments that calculate effectsize in model_parameters() for htest,
    Anova objects and objects of class BFBayesFactor were revised. Instead of
    single arguments for the different effectsizes, there is now one argument,
    effectsize_type. The reason behind this change is that meanwhile many
    new type of effectsizes have been added to the effectsize package, and
    the generic argument allows to make use of those effect sizes.

  • The attribute name in PCA / EFA has been changed from data_set to dataset.

  • The minimum needed R version has been bumped to 3.6.

  • Removed deprecated argument parameters from model_parameters().

  • standard_error_robust(), ci_robust() and p_value_robust() are now
    deprecated and superseded by the vcov and vcov_args arguments in the
    related methods standard_error(), ci() and p_value(), respectively.

  • Following functions were moved from package parameters to performance:
    check_sphericity_bartlett(), check_kmo(), check_factorstructure() and

Changes to functions

  • Added sparse option to principal_components() for sparse PCA.

  • The pretty_names argument from the print() method can now also be
    "labels", which will then use variable and value labels (if data is
    labelled) as pretty names. If no labels were found, default pretty names
    are used.

  • bootstrap_model() for models of class glmmTMB and merMod gains a
    cluster argument to specify optional clusters when the parallel
    option is set to "snow".

  • P-value adjustment (argument p_adjust in model_parameters()) is now
    performed after potential parameters were removed (using keep or drop),
    so adjusted p-values is only applied to the parameters of interest.

  • Robust standard errors are now supported for fixest models with the vcov

  • print() for model_parameters() gains a footer argument, which can be
    used to suppress the footer in the output. Further more, if footer = ""
    or footer = FALSE in print_md(), no footer is printed.

  • simulate_model() and simulate_parameters() now pass ... to
    insight::get_varcov(), to allow simulated draws to be based on
    heteroscedasticity consistent variance covariance matrices.

  • The print() method for compare_parameters() was improved for models with
    multiple components (e.g., mixed models with fixed and random effects, or
    models with count- and zero-inflation parts). For these models,
    compare_parameters(effects = "all", component = "all") prints more nicely.

Bug fixes

  • Fix erroneous warning for p-value adjustments when the differences between
    original and adjusted p-values were very small.