Documentation and code for Network and Security automation foundation workshop
This workshop provides an introduction or refresher to Git, Python, Ansible and REST API. Any tools can be used but the tested environment uses the following:
1-7 Installed in preparation with 8-10 provided during the workshop
- Github for git repository
- Python 2.x and 3.x
- Bash shell (Git bash on Windows)
- Atom IDE
- Jupyter lab
- Slack
- Postman API client
- Ansible
- AWS Linux instances
- Virtual network devices
- Check of client workstation setup
- Access slack channel and AWS instances
- Python introduction
- Data types and format refresher (lists, dictionaries, YAML and JSON)
- Ansible
- Putting it together
Choose an IDE to work with. Atom integrates will with Git and can be obtained here. You can get away with Notepad++ or something else if you prefer. -
Postman is really good for testing out API calls and converting into python or cURL. Download from here. -
Go to and sign up for an account if you don't have one. You'll be creating your own repository and working with the group as a shared project. -
You should get an invite to join the slack channel for the workshop. This can be done on the day if you don't get the invite beforehand. You can install the desktop app from here. -
Python, Git etc.
These are OS specific to select the link and follow the instructions