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Johannes Wolf edited this page May 30, 2014 · 26 revisions


  • Responsible for the evaluation system are the student representatives/der Fachschaftsrat. A For convenience reasons the student representatives are also called (the) FSR for short (adopted from the representative's name at Hasso Plattner Insitute). A member of the FSR is called student representative/FSR-Mitglied. They work as administrators of the system and have full edit rights for users, courses and questionnaires.
  • All people who are added to have teaching roles in a course (lecturers, tutors, etc.) are called contributors/Mitwirkende.
  • At every time one of the contributors of a course is the person responsible for the course/Lehrveranstaltungs-Verantwortlicher. This role is assigned by the student representatives.
  • Every contributor can get assigned edit rights/Bearbeitungsrechte for a course by any person who already has these edit rights for this very course and thereby becomes an editor/Bearbeiter. The responsible person always has edit rights.
  • Delegates/Stellvertreter are people who are assigned to other people. A delegate has the combined edit rights for courses of all people he or she is representing.
  • A student/Student is a person enrolled in a course.
  • Students who are enrolled in a course are called participants/Teilnehmer of that course.
  • Students who took part in the evaluation of a course are called voters/Abstimmende.
  • Participants who did not yet take part in the evaluation of a course are called due participants/ausstehende Teilnehmer.
  • Any person using the system at any time is called a user/Benutzer.
  • Users without Kerberos credentials need a login key/Anmeldeschlüssel to log in.


(Note: we didn't choose "class" because it's a keyword in python)

  • Every single teaching instance is called a course/Lehrveranstaltung.
  • A course is always part of a semester/Semester that describes when the course took place.
  • Amongst others, courses consist of:
    • A course name/Lehrveranstaltungsname
    • A course type/Lehrveranstaltungstyp decribing the kind of course (e.g. lecture, seminar, project)
    • A degree/Studiengang (i.e. Bachelor or Master)
    • An evaluation period/Evaluierungszeitraum in which the course is available for evaluation
    • Questionnaires that are assigned to the course.
    • The current state/Zustand of the course (see Evaluation States)


  • Each questionnaire/Fragebogen has a name/Name by which it can be referenced.
  • A questionnaire consists of one or multiple questions/Fragen.
  • To submit a questionnaire during the evaluation process each question must have exactly one answer/Antwort.
  • An answer can either be given on a Likert scale/Likert-Skala or in a free text field/Freitext-Feld.
  • A possible answer is also rating no answer/keine Angabe respectively submitting an empty text field.
  • Questionnaires have a questionnaire type/Fragebogentyp defining whether it's used to evaluate courses (course questionnaire/Lehrveranstaltungs-Fragebogen) or contributors (contributor questionnaire/Personenfragebogen).


  • The information which courses are taught, what name, type, degree and responsible person they have and which students are enrolled in them is called enrollment data/Belegungsdaten.