No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
This might turn out to be not (easily) implementable. In this case we'll probably close the issue.
Focuses on backend implementation
Focuses on frontend implementation
Infrastructural work around the main EvaP project
New or better testing and CI
This issue requires some discussion and a decision what a solution might look like.
Highest priority. Used for security or data loss issues.
Lowest priority. Some people might use this feature but it won't have a big impact.
This issue might require fundamental changes and will probably require a lot of work to solve.
This issue is self-contained and does not touch too many parts. Good choice for beginners.
This issue should require only small changes.
This issue should require only very small changes.
This is a bug. We don't like it. Please get rid of it.
Existing parts should become faster, more readable, or in any other way better.
You can’t perform that action at this time.