uAdventure v1.1.0: Simva, Inventories, Buttons and More!
uAdventure 1.1.0 is the first int the 1.1.X series for the new Unity 2019 LTS (Unity 2019.4.X).
With this update we extend the guaranteed Unity support until 2022 and it is the first step towards the new upcoming features in uAdventure as Simva, simple validator for serious games.
Upgrading from uAdventure 1.0.X
The new uAdventure 1.1.X includes breaking changes in uAdventure code, but uAdventure projects are 100% compatible with the new version. For this reason, it is required to freshly start a new project and import the contents of the old project to it. To do it, please, follow the following steps:
- Download and install Unity 2019 LTS from the Unity website ( or using the Unity Hub.
- Download the uAdventure_v1.1.0.unitypackage file from this release assets section.
- Create a new blank Unity project.
- Import the uAdventure package by double clicking or using the "Assets -> Import package -> Custom Package" option in the Unity contextual menu.
- Check all the elements and click import. (This step will take a few minutes).
5a. If the uAdventure menu is not showing, please open "Edit -> Project Settings" and go to "Player -> Other Settings -> Configuration" and make sure "Api compatibility level" is set to ".NET 4.X". - Using the Unity contextual menu click the "uAdventure -> Welcome screen".
- Clicking in the open buttom will open a file explorer.
- Navigate to the uAdventure project folder of the game you want to upgrade.
- Select the file "Assets/uAdventure/Resources/CurrentGame.eap".
- Wait until the import finishes. If the Unity window closes during the process just re-open the project and check if the project has been successfully imported.
- Reimplemented adventure configuration window: now it is possible to configure inventory, buttons, cursors and storage.
- Closed #57: Now it is possible to move the inventory and change its icon.
- Reimplemented top-bottom inventories from e-adventure.
- Reimplemented buttons and cursors configuration from e-adventure.
- Added AutoSave, SaveOnSuspend and RestoreAfterOpen properties to handle save states automatically.
- Added Hide Save/Load and Reset options in the configuration.
- Added Simva, a simple validator, with OpenId login with accesscode and resource owned password credentials.
- Updated UnityTracker to support UnityWebRequests as Sync and Async calls.
- Fixed Unity 2019.4 related UI bugs and libraries.