Open source Java based Learning Record Store (, which is compatible with TinCanAPI ( and Experience API (
- Support for Basic HTTP Auth
- Support for OAuth 1.0a
- Support for X-Experience-API-Version header
- Support for POST
- Support for GET and the following filters:
- statementId
- agent
- verb
- activity
- since
- until
- limit
- Supported
OpenLRS is a Java application built with Spring Boot ( OpenLRS manages configuration using Spring profiles. Currently there are two available profiles:
default - which uses in-memory datastorage
redisElasticsearch - which uses redis for tier1 storage and elasticsearch for tier2 persistent storage
OpenLRS is deployed as an executable jar file with Tomcat 7 embedded. Conversion to a war file is possible (
- JDK 7+
- Maven 3+
- mvn clean package (this produces openlrs.jar in the target folder)
- mvn clean package spring-boot:run
- java -jar openlrs.jar
This starts OpenLRS on port 8080. Changing the server port (and other properties) can be done on the command line (
OpenLRS allows for configurable tier 1 and tier 2 data storage options. Currently OpenLRS supports redis for tier 1 storage and Elasticsearch and MongoDB for tier 2 storage.
Note: If redis and elasticsearch are not running on localhost with the default ports you will need to update or override the relevant redis and elasticsearch properties - see the Overriding properties section below and the and files.
Configure tier1 and tier2 storage options in OpenLRS create a new properties file and include the appropriate Spring profiles and property values. For example, if you wanted to use redis for tier 1 storage and MongoDB for tier 2 storage your properties (let's call it file would contain:
spring.profiles.include: redis,mongo
Then build and run OpenLRS as follows:
- mvn clean package (this produces openlrs.jar in the target folder)
- mvn clean package spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments="-Dspring.config.location=/path/to/"
- mvn clean package spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments="-Dspring.config.location=/path/to/ -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n"
java -jar -Dspring.config.location=/path/to/ openlrs.jar
Details on externalizing configuration can be found [here] (
Some examples
- mvn clean package spring-boot:run -Drun.jvmArguments="-Dspring.config.location=/export/home/"
- java -jar -Dspring.config.location=/export/home/ openlrs.jar
A list of Spring-Boot properties can be found [here] ( Some common properties of interest are listed below.
- server.port=8080
- server.address= # bind to a specific NIC
- server.session-timeout= # session timeout in seconds
- server.context-path= # the context path, defaults to '/'
- server.servlet-path= # the servlet path, defaults to '/'
- server.tomcat.access-log-pattern= # log pattern of the access log
- server.tomcat.access-log-enabled=false # is access logging enabled
- server.tomcat.protocol-header=x-forwarded-proto # ssl forward headers
- server.tomcat.remote-ip-header=x-forwarded-for
- server.tomcat.basedir=/tmp # base dir (usually not needed, defaults to tmp)
- server.tomcat.background-processor-delay=30; # in seconds
- server.tomcat.max-threads = 0 # number of threads in protocol handler
- server.tomcat.uri-encoding = UTF-8 # character encoding to use for URL decoding
- # server host
- spring.redis.password= # server password
- spring.redis.port=6379 # connection port
- spring.redis.pool.max-idle=8 # pool settings ...
- spring.redis.pool.min-idle=0
- spring.redis.pool.max-active=8
- spring.redis.pool.max-wait=-1
- # The cluster name (defaults to elasticsearch)
- # The address(es) of the server node (comma-separated; if not specified starts a client node)
- # if spring data repository support is enabled
ECL (a slightly less permissive Apache2)
Developed in the Apereo Learning Analytics ( community.
Send questions or comments to the mailing list: [email protected]