It is Speech Assessment question type. You can add video questions with subtitles.
You can keep a copy of the sassessment in Moodle in the question/type/ folder and as long as it is called sassessment the plug in will be ignored. Rename folder to "sassessment"
####Installation Using Git
To install using git for the latest version (the master branch), type this command in the root of your Moodle install:
git clone git:// question/type/sassessment
echo '/question/type/sassessment' >> .git/info/exclude
####Installation From Downloaded zip file
Alternatively, download the zip from :
- latest (master branch) -
unzip it into the question/type folder, and then rename the new folder to sassessment.
####How to get Amazon Transcribe Access key
- You need to sign up amazon transcribe account:
- Login.
- Go to AWS IAM console
- Create new user
- Give new user role "AmazonTranscribeFullAccess"
- And create new access key: User -> click to username -> Security credentials -> Create access key.
@copyright Igor Nikulin, Paul Daniels, Nobuhiro Kumai