Python(>=3.5) pip(>=9.0.1)
sudo apt-get update
You can safely ignore the red lines...
SERVERNAME can be provided as an argument or it will be asked during installation. (examples : "localhost" or "" or "") Keep in mind that the address/name should be accessible from outside, otherwise you will experiment some 404 errors...
Installation is made in a Python VirtualEnv so you must use the "activate" command to manually activate the Env (mandatory to DEBUG/TEST but automaticaly done by supervisor while in production)
#DEBUG DETECTOR (DEBUG flag activated by default)
source ./env/bin/activate
source ./env/bin/activate
gunicorn api:app
#PRODUCTION (auto start at boot)
sudo service supervisor start
sudo service supervisor restart
sudo service supervisor stop
sudo service supervisor status
with IMG_URL : an accessible image url CONFIDENCE : the confidence threshold (def to 65, mean that detection are drawn over 65% confidence only)
Add --workers (set the number of workes instance) option to the detect_label.conf file, at the end of "command" line like following:
command=[USERNAME]/env/bin/gunicorn api:app -b localhost:8000 --workers=42
(before installing, in the surrent directory or after installed, in /etc/gunicorn/conf.d/detect_label.conf, then restart supervisor)
sudo service nginx status
sudo service supervisor status
cat /var/log/detect_label/detect_label.err.log
Results image and data can be accessed by urls. You can access to the results directory by editing nginx config file as following:
location /results/ {
autoindex on;
on instead of off (default). Then restart nginx (sudo service nginx restart) and go to http://[SERVER_NAME]/results/
python3 -m pytest --disable-warnings
echo "API_KEY:IP" >> auths.txt
with API_KEY : your private API_KEY IP : your public IP Several IPs can be user wuth the same API_KEY, just add one line per IP You can use wildcards "*" at the end of the IP to allow a whole network/subnet
curl http://[SERVERNAME]/api/?key=API_KEY&source=IMG_URL&confidence=CONFIDENCE&debug=DEBUG&fileout=FILEOUT
with API_KEY : your private API_KEY (note that it is tied to your IP by host) IMG_URL : an accessible image url CONFIDENCE : the confidence threshold (def to 65, mean that detection are drawn over 65% confidence only) FILEOUT : flag (0 or 1) to get the censored image url in return (default to 1) DEBUG : debug flag (0 or 1) save and return original image, masked image, boxes data and detected image (default to 0)
returns : { "message":"OK", "result_data": {Boxes data dict}, ["result_image":"your_image_name_censored.jpg"] }