We're in the business of making widgets, and this is our microservices solution!
To use, first clone this repo, then:
# Export something like this:
export KAFKA=
# Make sure [kafka-cli](https://github.com/shafreeck/kafka-cli) is on your PATH:
yarn # install depednencies
yarn build:grpc # build src/Grpc.re from .proto file
yarn build # build
yarn setup # create kafka topics for our widget factory
yarn start # start WidgetCutter and WidgetPainter services
pm2 log # watch the services do their work
# Finally, deliver raw materials to the factory (use another terminal for this)
node src/DeliverBlankWidgets.bs
You should see something like this when you deliver your raw materials:
$ node src/DeliverBlankWidgets.bs
DeliverBlankWidgets.re connecting to zookeeper at
(node:93216) DeprecationWarning: grpc.load: Use the @grpc/proto-loader module with grpc.loadPackageDefinition instead
rx: <Blank Widget condition=adequate>
message send success: { 'blank-widget': { '0': 22 } }
successfully delivered blank widget!
client closed! bye!
From the cutter and painter services you should see something like this:
0|WidgetCu | rx: <Blank Widget condition=adequate>
0|WidgetCu | cutting widget...
0|WidgetCu | widget cut!
0|WidgetCu | tx: <Cut Widget condition=adequate numTeeth=55>
0|WidgetCu | message send success: { 'cut-widget': { '0': 28 } }
1|WidgetPa | rx: <Cut Widget condition=adequate numTeeth=55>
1|WidgetPa | painting widget...
1|WidgetPa | widget painted!
1|WidgetPa | tx: <Painted Widget condition=adequate numTeeth=55 paintJob=greeN>
1|WidgetPa | message send success: { 'painted-widget': { '0': 39 } }
If you're getting offsetOutOfRange error, you may have to manually reset your
consumer group's offsets. Install the main Kafka distribution with brew install kafka
and then launch zkCli
and do something like this:
donviszneki@Lilys-MBP ~/sysalive-microservice/node_modules/kafka-node$ zkCli -server $ZOOKEEPER
Connecting to
Welcome to ZooKeeper!
JLine support is enabled
[zk: 0]
WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
ls /
[log_dir_event_notification, isr_change_notification, zookeeper, admin, consumers, cluster, config, latest_producer_id_block, controller, brokers, controller_epoch]
[zk: 1] ls /consumers/
Command failed: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Path must not end with / character
[zk: 2] ls /consumers
[zk: 3] ls /consumers/kafka-node-group
[zk: 4] l