- classification.py: train the feedforward neural net to predict match result. Example of save/load trained model to/from disk
- regression.py: train the feedforward neural net to predict probability of winning the match
- project2.py: implement the convolutional neural network that predicts hand outcome
- TestModel.py: test a trained model
Gin_Rummy_Python: port Gin Rummy java code into Python
- GinRummyTournamentAI.py: version of GinRummyTournament that use the trained neural network
- GinRummyTournament.py: original version that use 2 heurestic players
Data can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/12eGlFwO6_YvPrC7tqYOEZHmO4BqXucYY?usp=sharing