Next.js code comes from this website: (
- Linux
- This is a simple way to implement a light / dark theme into your Next.js file.
- It creates a switch button that alternated between the two modes when you click on it.
- It uses localstorage so it will keep in memory the last selected theme.
- edit the file located here: ~/ .bashrc
- add source ~/{path of the file}/themeselect.bash at the end of the .bashrc file
- example: source ~/Desktop/Scripts/themeselect.bash
- save and close the file
- in a nextjs app folder, simply run:
- next-theme
- OR
- next-theme navbar_file_name theme_toggle_file_name
- This will create the needed files and install the required dependencies.
- import the Navbar component from the components folder wherever you want it, and voila
- Don't forget to restart the server
- I wrote the bash file but I didn't create the part that is generated.
- If a _document.js file already exists, it will rename the old one to (OLD)_document.js and create a new _document.js file.
- If you already have a Navbar component, simply copy the importing part of the ThemeToggle file and paste it at the top of your file.