"Journey of the Monkey King" is a story about the training journey of Wukong. His hometown was dominated by a powerful evil demon, and he was too weak to protect his family or drive the demon out. To strengthen himself, Wukong embarks on a journey to crosswords, seeking ways to become stronger, learn magical skills, and acquire powerful weapons.
This game made and provided by:
- HOANG TRONG MINH DUC (UI Designer, Programmer)
- NGUYEN DANG PHONG (Character Designer, Programmer)
- LE DINH TAM PHUNG (Character Designer, Programmer)
- VO THANH PHUONG (Character Designer, Programmer)
- DAO THI THIEN TAM (Team Leader, Character Designer, Programmer)
Release time: 08/17/2018
Version: alpha test 1.0