Third project for the 2023 Datathon. It's a project with the non-profit organisation inclution which offers a diversity platform. To better understand the users’ interests and needs, we will analyze web tracking data.
- Analytic Tool of your Choice (Python, R, ...)
- Working with Tabular Data
- Visualization
- Working with Time Series Data
- Basic Knowledge on Web Technology
- Basic NLP to Identify Keywords of a Document
- Are there patterns of visitor return/retention or duration of stay with page content or other features?
- Do sources or webpages correlate with visit duration?
- How many visits to the site? How many unique visitors?
- Visualize the referring sources (search engines/social media).
- Calculate the Bounce Rate (single-page sessions divided by all sessions).
- What are the top landing pages? What are the keywords of the top landing pages?
- What are the top keywords by location? Are there other locations with similar interest as indicated by keywords?
- Is there a change of top landing pages over time? Does the interest shift?
- Which pages have a high exit rate?
- What pages are most visited?
- What pages trigger conversion action?
- What are the loading speeds?
- What is the conversion rate (conversions/visitors)?
- What are the most common conversion paths?
- What is the average number of visits/steps required before a visitor converts?
- Is the recent tracking sufficient/fitting the purpose? Define possible Goals and check if the data contains the corresponding information.
- Working locally
- Working with the Cloud Application of your Choice
- Presentation, Slides, Charts
- Interpretation and Messages, Recommendations/Conclusions based on Data