Allows to track changes on doctrine entities with an easy-to-use and highly customizable API.
You can use this library to track changes to Doctrine Entities. Use annotations to define the fields that you want to monitor. They determine where the changes are to be saved.
// User Entity class
* @Column(type="string")
* @WatchedField // <-- Watcher now tracks changes related to this field
protected string $emailAddress;
* @var $dbParams array
* @var $config Configuration
$em = EntityManager::create($dbParams, $config, Watcher::createEventManager(new DatabaseHandler()));
/** @var $user User */
$user = $em->getRepository(User::class)->find(1);
$user->setUsername("A new username");
/** @var EntityLogRepository $logRepo */
$logRepo = $em->getRepository(EntityLog::class);
/** @var EntityLog[] $changes */
$changes = $logRepo->getLogsFromEntity($user);
$lastChange = $changes[0];
echo vsprintf("Last updated at (%s): Changed %s from '%s' to '%s'", [
]); // Last updated at 2017-09-07: Changed Email Address from '[email protected]' to '[email protected]'
class: App\Utils\AppWatcherHandler #your handler, e.g. Database Handler
autowire: true
- method: pushUpdateHandler
- '@watcher.db_handler'
- method: setAnnotationReader
- '@annotations.reader'
- { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: onFlush }
- 'App\Entity\EntityLog' # The entity which relates to EntityLogRepository
- { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: postLoad }
- This package is able to track changes on single fields and associations (collections), but depends
on the concept of Doctrine, which is limited to track changes on fields on the owning side. That means, that inverse side associations (
) are NOT supported.@ManyToMany
associations are supported. - Also consider the overhead. If you've chosen the DatabaseHandler, each tracked entity change results in a single database request.
TBD (support is appreciated!)
Bugs and feature request are tracked on GitHub.
- Use interfaces for everything
- Easy Symfony integration
- Write tests
- Optimize performance (group changes?)
This library depends on Doctrine (surprise!) and subpackages.
Watcher is licensed for use under the MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.