This is Prettier plugin to sort imports using import-sort for javascript and typescript files.
$ npm i -D prettier prettier-plugin-import-sort
You will also want to install an import sort style module of your choice, such as:
$ npm i -D import-sort-style-module
You will then need the configuration for import-sorts available, e.g. something like this in package.json
"importSort": {
".js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx": {
"style": "module"
If you are using typescript, you may also need to specify the typescript parser. This is somewhat dependant upon the typescript features used (decorators for instance), e.g.
"importSort": {
".js, .jsx, .ts, .tsx": {
"style": "module",
"parser": "typescript"
A large part of this code was copied from import-sort-cli.