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@dscbot dscbot released this 19 Mar 15:06



  • SqlServerDsc
    • New GitHub Actions workflow that run PSScriptAnalyzer for PRs so any
      issues are shown directly in the PR's changed files (issue #1860).


  • SqlServerDsc
    • Update appveyor.yml to use dotnet tool install to install GitVersion.
    • Re-enable integration tests for SqlRSSetup and SqlRS when running against
      SQL Server 2019 (issue #1847).
    • The private function Import-SQLPSModule was replaced throughout with
      the public command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule (issue #1848).
    • Removed the regular expression features? from the GitVersion configuration.
      Before, if a fix commit mentioned the word feature but means a SQL Server
      feature GitVersion would bump minor instead of patch number.
  • Get-SqlDscAudit
    • The parameter Name is no longer mandatory. When left out all the current
      audits are returned (issue #1812).


  • Assert-SetupActionProperties
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      analysis services is specified without the parameter ASSysAdminAccounts
      (issue #1845).
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      database engine is specified without the parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts.
  • Invoke-SetupAction
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • Install-SqlDscServer
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • SqlRS
    • Test renamed to When Reports virtual directory is different so it is more correct and not a duplicate
    • Fixed issue of configuring reporting services (issue #1868).