This platform will serve as a centralized system for the dsaStats team, allowing interns and admin staff to manage intern information, monitor team projects, and ensure smooth collaboration within the team.
Important Note! Ensure to sync all the changes made to the Origin ( Main ) branch of this repo with your forked repo, before pushing any code.
Here is a structured outline for the file for your project:
- Title: "Welcome to dsaStats," animated with a fade-in effect.
- Navigation Links: "Login," "Signup," and "Intern Login" for easy switching.
Custom Cursor:
- Cursor design changes appearance when hovering over interactive elements.
- Email/Username Field: Simple input field.
- Password Field: Includes visibility toggle.
- Remember Me Checkbox: Standard functionality.
- Login Button: No additional effects.
- Forgot Password Link: Redirect to password reset page.
- Social Media Login: Available option for quick login.
- Employee ID Field: Features animated effects when focused.
- Password Field: Includes strength meter and visibility toggle.
- Login Button: Hover animation (glow/pulse).
- Redirect: Upon successful login, interns are redirected to the intern dashboard.
- Fields: Name, Email, Password, Confirm Password.
- Animated features for placeholders and real-time feedback.
- Signup Button: Animates on hover/click.
- Terms and Conditions Checkbox: Animated rotation effect.
- Redirect to login page for existing users.
- Fields: Email input with underline animation.
- Reset Button: Ripple effect on click.
- Back to Login Link: Fade-in animation.
- Background animations respond to cursor movement.
- Support Contact: Expanding text effect.
- Copyright Information: Slide-in on scroll.
- Employee and Intern Overview: Details viewable by team leaders and super admins.
- Project Management: Super Admin can move interns between projects, create new projects, and assign team leads and interns.
- Feedback System: Super Admin and Team Leaders can give feedback to interns.
- Intern of the Month: Voting system for team leaders and super admin.
- Title: "Meet Our Interns."
- Search Bar: Real-time filtering by name or role.
Intern Cards:
- Display Profile Image, Name, Role, and Social Media Links.
- Read More Button: Redirects to portfolio page with details like bio, experience, skills, and contact info.
- Copyright Information.
- Editable Components:
- Full Name, Role, Self-Description, Profile Photo, Achievements, Social Media Links.
- Toggle Edit Mode for all fields except Employee ID.
Dynamic Scrolling Interaction:
- Split-view div for project description and demo video synced with scrolling.
- Links to GitHub repository and intern profile.
Homepage Project Section:
- Split-text animation for the introduction.
- Card carousel for projects, with zoom and demo video on hover.
- GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform):
- Scroll Trigger: Syncs scrolling with content updates.
- Split-text: Engaging split-text animation.
- Hover Animations: Smooth zoom and video play effects.
- Engaging and interactive user experience.
- Easy navigation of projects.
- Professional appeal with animations and content synchronization.
- JavaScript, GSAP
- Node.js (Backend)
- PostgreSQL (Database)
Feel free to submit pull requests for any improvements or issues.