meh its just a program that i made to solve problems. read below if u actually care :D btw this readme is unfinished and the program is under development so im pushing this now november 3rd @ 4:52am cuz im tired
so like execute it with -h for the usage
$ ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--subtotal SUBTOTAL] [--percentage PERCENTAGE] [--save FILE.RESLT] [--clean] [--interactive] [--verbose]
tax calculator
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--subtotal SUBTOTAL, -s SUBTOTAL
total before taxes
percentage of state sales tax
log to file
--clean, -c remove .reslt files created by the program
--interactive, -i interact with the program by inputting values and getting real-time results
--verbose, -v spits the calculation into stdout
$ ./ -s 5.99 -p 6.3
$ ./ -v -s 5.99 -p 6.3
5.99 subtotal
6.3% tax
total = 6.37
$ ./ -s 5.99 -p 6.3 -f file.reslt
saved to file.reslt
^ creates the file file.reslt in the current directory can save to a specified directory uses custom .reslt file cuz why tf not and it sounds like result :|
in file.reslt:
total = 6.37
$ ./ -v -s 5.99 -p 6.3 -f file.reslt
saved to file.reslt with --verbose/-v
in file.reslt
$5.99 subtotal
6.3% tax
total = 6.37
u can also view the example files in the examples folder