sketch designed to facilitate basic communication between an arduino MEGA and an esp8266-01. as it was written for a mega with additional hardware serial ports, it does not use software serial, but could probably be easily converted
use arduino mega to test/interact with an esp8266-01 without flashing esp module
serial keylist : note this is planned, not necesslaraly current
0 - send AT. basic test
1 - test toggle your led
2 - show ip address
3 - set operating mode
4 - enable multiple connections
5 - open tcp server
r - reset esp module
c - add wifi info and return command to connect
p - passthrough - a fallback mode, should act as a serial 'mirror,' passing messages from one serial port straight to the other.
b - will attempt to synchronize baudrate of esp by sending the command to update baud over all available baud rates
w - create/configure the esp wireless network