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chayfo edited this page Jun 29, 2013 · 3 revisions

Ray Handler

The Ray Handler class manages, updates, renders and disposes lights. The Ray Handler supports both GLES 1.x and GLES 2.x. If GLES 2.x is detected, Gaussian blur is enabled by default


Abstract class that contains shared parameters and act as the interface for all lights. Lights are ray-cast against box2d geometry and generate light meshes based on the result. All lights have a defined number or rays, color, length and some additional parameters.

Point Light

Class for the most commonly used lights. Point lights are circular shaped and have a defined position, distance, and all other definable light attributes.

Cone Light

Class for cone-shaped lights. Cone Lights have a defined direction and cone degree as additional parameters. Cone degree adds (x) number of degrees in both directions.

Positional Light

Abstract class that contains shared parameters between PointLight and ConeLight classes. Positional lights have a specified position and distance.

Directional Light

Class to simulate a light source with an infinite distance. The direction and intensity is the same everywhere. Great for simulating sunlight.


Class to load and compile external shader files.

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