Base upon which other widgets are built.
It provides:
- mounting template to specified root element
- helper for getting info from meta tags
- LOGni wrapper that prepends specified widget type
In your package.json
"devDependencies": {
"drmax-common-widget": "github:drmaxgit/drmax-lib-js-common-widget#develop",
Use helper for meta tags:
export class MyWidget {
constructor () {
// Get <meta> tag values
const metaTags = CommonWidget.getMetaConstants()
const { myMetaTagValue } = metaTags
// Define template
this.htmlTemplate = `<div>Simple template with my value ${myMetaTagValue}</div>`
// Create widget
this.commonWidget = new CommonWidget('my-widget-root-id', this.htmlTemplate, 'my-widget-type')
// Use LOGni
this.logniWrapper = this.commonWidget.getLogniWrapper()'My Widget is READY')
Place following code in your HTML where widgets will be present:
<!-- LOGni -->
window.logniMask = '__LOGNI_MASK__'
window.logniLogUrl = '__URL_LOGNILOG__'
window.logniStdErr = '__LOGNI_STDERR__'
window.logniRelease = '__VERSION__'
window.logniEnvironment = '__ENV__'
window.logniName = 'drmax-cz'
In case LOGni is not initialized yet, widgets will init LOGni with this config.
In case when even no config is present, widget will use hardcoded fallback config (basically develop environment).