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Stem Graph Contributions

Drew Cook edited this page Dec 1, 2022 · 4 revisions


Arbor currently naively allows users to mint an NFT representing a collection of stems. Included within this NFT is a JSON IPFS link and a list of contributing addresses. The JSON data contains some NFT metadata, and a wav audio file URI to the submitted flattened audio samples.

This approach raises a few questions:

  • How do we manage the complexity of reward issuance as the number of contributor addresses grows exponentially?
  • How can we prove that the data submitted to IPFS was submitted by the author address?
  • How can we prove that the associated samples are valid samples?
  • How can we validate that the authors of associated samples are being paid correctly


The Arbor protocol can be thought of as a directed acyclic graph where the nodes are samples and the edges are references to samples.

A sample consists of:

  • Authors
  • Referenced Samples
  • Audio Data
  • Author Signatures
IPFS Sample (0x0001)
authors: [address]
refs: [bytes32] -> Hashed samples as references to other IPFS samples, you can build the graph edges from these hashes
audio: string -> IPFS CID to flattened audio file (currently only supporting wav)
sigs: [bytes32] -> Audio data signed by authors in the order they appear in the authors field 


IPFS Sample 1
authors: [0xa]
refs: []  
audio: Gzadwa21e21da  
sigs: [0xa21dwa]

| Hash


IPFS Sample 2
authors: [0xb]
refs: [0x1dwa]
audio: Gwdoapdo1
signs: [0xo3iuijnh]


Is the length of 'authors' equal to the length of 'signs'?
	Yes: continue
	No: invalid sample
Is each signature a valid signature of the IPFS raw audio data?
	Yes: continue
	No: invalid sample
Do all refs point to a valid IPFS sample (via hash of sample data)
At this point we've established that all of the signers / artist addresses agree on the audio data being submitted to IPFS

This could be a point where we can allow for contractual obligations such as agreeing that the artist owns the samples, otherwise they may be blacklisted from the protocol.

IPFS sample is valid.


IPFS Sample 2 -- Valid
authors: [0xb]
refs: [0x1dwa]
audio: Gwdaopdo1
signs: [0xo3iuijnh]

| Hash


Node in stem / sample graph
Current graph:


Let's add more stems / samples

IPFS Sample 3
authors: [0xb]
refs: [0x1qaz]
audio: Gw12qeht
signs: [0x1283iegbij]
| Hash

IPFS Sample 4
authors: [0xb]
refs: [0x1dwa]
audio: Gwlopjihn
signs: [0xkpojnihb]
| Hash

New Graph:

|               |
|               |
V               |
0x1qaz          v
|               0xy7218a

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