A Rock Paper Scissors type game. To run this program outside of an IDE, use the following commands from the project directory:
- mvn clean install
- java -cp target/ggs-0.3-SNAPSHOT.jar com.drem.games.ggs.App
- Everyone starts with zero bullets. This is to weed out the people who aren’t paying attention to the rules. The logical first move of every game is to Reload.
- The objective is to shoot the opponent while they are vulnerable.
- If you shoot with no bullets, you are vulnerable.
- If your shield has taken too much damage, you are vulnerable.
- If you are reloading, you are vulnerable.
- In case of a stalemate, the person with the most bullets wins. If both players have the same amount of bullets, the game is a draw.
- Select a difficulty and see if you have what it takes to outsmart the computer player.(Currently only one difficulty)
- Host a local game, or join a public game for some head-to-head action!
- Block - Shield takes one damage if the opponent has shot a bullet.
- Shoot - Shoot a bullet if you have any. If not, you are vulnerable.
- Reload - Gives you one bullet. If the opponent shoots, you are dead.
- Pistol(1)
- Shotgun(3)
- Machine Gun(5)
- Rocket Launcher(10)