- Dreamroq by Mike Melanson (mike -at- multimedia.cx)
- R2 update by Josh Pearson ([email protected])
- Library version by lerabot
Dreamroq is a RoQ playback library designed for the Sega Dreamcast video game console. The original version can be found here: https://github.com/multimediamike/dreamroq
RoQ is a relatively simple video file format developed for video-heavy CD-ROM games. Read more about the format here: http://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php?title=RoQ
The Dreamroq library includes a player component that is designed to run under the KallistiOS (KOS) open source operating system. Read more about KOS at: http://gamedev.allusion.net/softprj/kos/
The library also includes a sample testing utility that can be built and executed on Unix systems. This utility is useful for debugging and validation.
RoQ sample files can be found at: http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/game-formats/idroq/
RoQ files can also be created using the Switchblade encoder: http://icculus.org/~riot/
A version of Switchblade is also included in FFmpeg and many derivative programs: http://ffmpeg.org/
Dreamroq is meant to be license-compatible with the rest of the KallistiOS operating system, which is a BSD-style open source license. You can read the specific text in LICENSE.KOS.
Make sure you clone this this directory
Then, inside the libdreamroq folder, simply type
make defaultall
You'll be able to link the library using
There is a very simple exemple in the samples folder.
You can encode your video using this handy ffmpeg command
ffmpeg -i input_video.mp4 -ar 22050 output_video.roq
The -ar argument is recommended if you're planning to have sound in your video.
Additional options :
- -s : Size
- -b:v : Video Bitrate
- -b:a : Audio Bitrate
- -vf scale=640:436,pad=640:448:0:6
: Notes by lerabot:
While the sound does work there are some dropouts here and there.
:R2 Release by PH3NOM:
I have updated the dreamroq library to support decoding of DPCM audio samples encoded in the RoQ stream.
The K:OS Dreamcast player has been updated to support streaming of the decoded samples, directly using the Dreamcast's AICA audio hardware, running in a seperate thread.
Furthermore, a frame-rate timer has been implemented, so the video should be played back at correct speed. Also, the allocated PVR memory is now freed on exit of the player.