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NantiaL authored Apr 20, 2023
1 parent 17c2d09 commit 88f4297
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Showing 31 changed files with 19,234 additions and 0 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pymcadre/
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
__author__ = "Nantia Leonidou"
__description__ = " "
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions pymcadre/check/
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
__author__ = "Nantia Leonidou"
__description__ = " "
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions pymcadre/check/
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@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
__author__ = "Nantia Leonidou"
__description__ = """ Check production of required metabolites """

from time import process_time
from check.find_ex_reactions import *
from check.set_metabolite_bounds import *
from check.find_required_rxns import *
from check.check_rxn_flux import *
import os

def check_model_function(model, *args):
""" Check production of required metabolites
Inputs: - a cobra model
- optional inputs: - 'required_mets', met_lst
- 'biomass', biomass_rxn
- 'media', media_def
Output: - required_met_status
- time """

# Parse input parameters #
if len(args) != 0:
if len(args) % 2 == 0: # if division between len(args) and 2 gives rest 0

options = ["required_mets", "biomass", "media"]

for i in range(0, len(args), 2): # i goes from 1 to len(args) incrementally in steps of 2
arg_name = args[i] # define arg_name, can be 'required_mets' or 'biomass' or 'media'
arg_val = args[i + 1] # define arg_val, can be met_lst or biomass_rxn or media_def

# read input .txt file
with open(arg_val, 'r') as file:
# list of all input metabolites
met_lst = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in file]

# set 1 if one of the options is given as arguments, else set 0
option = [1 if arg_name == opt else 0 for opt in options]

# find indices of nonzero elements in the lst, called options
# returns list with indices depending on whether an input argument from *args matches one of the strings in list 'options'
# Example: if 'media' is given as an argument in the check_model_function function,
# then the find_idx_option = [2], because the 'media' string is located in the index 2 in 'options' list
find_idx_option = [i for i, e in enumerate(option) if e != 0]

# if indices of nonzero elements are found
# biomass_rxn = []
# media_def = []
if len(option) != 0:
for elem in find_idx_option:
if elem == 0:
arg_val = met_lst
elif elem == 1:
raise Exception("%s option not yet implemented." % arg_name)
# arg_val = biomass_rxn
elif elem == 2:
raise Exception("%s option not yet implemented." % arg_name)
# arg_val = media_def
# else-case
raise Exception("Unknown option %s." % arg_name)
raise Exception("Incorrect number of input arguments to function.", os.path.basename(__file__))

# Start the stopwatch / counter
# returns float value of time in seconds
t1_start = process_time()

# Identify exchange reactions in the model
ex_rxns = find_ex_rxns(model)

# Turn off uptake of organic metabolites
if "media_def" in globals(): # check if variable named media_def is defined
set_media_ex_bounds(model, ex_rxns) # not implemented in this version
set_organic_met_bounds(model, ex_rxns)

# store reaction names
names = [] # rxn name
for r in model.reactions:

# Allow uptake of glucose and CO2, only if they are in the model
if 'D-Glucose exchange' in names: # Reaction id: EX_glc__D_e
idx = names.index('D-Glucose exchange')
model.reactions[idx].lower_bound = -5.0

if 'CO2 exchange' in names: # Reaction id: EX_co2_e
idx = names.index('CO2 exchange')
model.reactions[idx].lower_bound = -1000.0

# Add demand reactions for required metabolites
if "met_lst" in globals():
model, required_rxns = find_required_rxns(model, met_lst)
required_rxns = []

# if "biomass_rxn" in globals():
# required_rxns = np.concatenate(required_rxns, biomass_rxn) # not implemented in this version

inactive_required = check_rxn_flux(model, required_rxns)
required_met_status = int(not len(inactive_required)) # return negation of number corresponding to length of inactive_required list

# Stop the stopwatch / counter
t1_stop = process_time()
# compute elapsed time
time = t1_stop - t1_start

print('check_model_function done ....')
return required_met_status, time
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions pymcadre/check/
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@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
__author__ = "Nantia Leonidou"
__description__ = "This function uses the heuristic speed-up proposed by Jerby et al. in the MBA paper for performing a pseudo-FVA calculation. "

# from cobra import *
# from check.find_required_rxns import *
import numpy as np

def check_rxn_flux(model, required_rxns):
- model:
- required_rxns: list of required reactions to check their flux
- inactive_required
rxn_lst = required_rxns
inactive_required = []

while len(rxn_lst): # while lst is not empty
# set number of reactions equal to number of input reactions
num_rxn_lst = len(rxn_lst)

# modify objective function
model.objective = rxn_lst
# optimize using glpk solver
fba_solution = model.optimize(objective_sense="maximize")
# get flux values of all reactions as an array
opt_max = fba_solution.fluxes.values

# If no solution was achieved while trying to maximize all reactions, skip the next
# step of checking individual reactions
if len(opt_max) == 0:
break # break the whole while-loop

# check whether reactions from model are included in input required reactions
# put 1 if reaction from model is in the list of required reactions
is_member = [1 if in required_rxns else 0 for react in model.reactions]

# get fluxes for these specific reactions
required_flux = [opt_max[idx] for idx in range(len(is_member)) if is_member[idx]]

# absolute values of all fluxes
abs_fluxes = [abs(ele) for ele in required_flux]
# filter out those with a specific value --> those reactions will be kept
filtered = [1 if abs_fluxes[idx] >= 1e-6 else 0 for idx in range(len(abs_fluxes))]
# get related reaction IDs
active_required = [required_rxns[idx] for idx in range(len(filtered)) if filtered[idx]]

# update rxn_lst to be the difference between reactions' list and required active reactions
rxn_lst = (list(set(rxn_lst) - set(active_required)))
# get how many reactions were removed from required_rxns list --> updated length of rxns_lst
num_removed = num_rxn_lst - len(rxn_lst)

if not num_removed: # if this if-case is fulfilled, throws an out-of-bounds error, similar happens to MATLAB code as well
# create a random series of numbers from 0 to len(rxn_lst)
rand_ind = np.random.permutation(len(rxn_lst))

# extract reaction from rxn_lst based on the position taken from the first number in the randomly generated series
i = rxn_lst[rand_ind[0]]

# change objective function
model.objective = i
# Maximize reaction i
fba_solution = model.optimize(objective_sense="maximize")
# get flux values of all reactions
opt_max = fba_solution.fluxes
if len(opt_max) == 0:
break # break the whole while-loop

abs_opt = [abs(ele) for ele in opt_max]
for n in abs_opt:
if n < 1e-6:


return inactive_required

26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions pymcadre/check/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
__author__ = "Nantia Leonidou"
__description__ = " Identification of all exchange reactions in a given Cobra model"

from cobra import *

def find_ex_rxns(model):

""" This function identifies reactions that exchange metabolites into and out of the extra- and intracellular space
(sinks, demands and exchanges)
- model:
- ex_rxns_ids: list of all identified reactions' IDs """

ex_rxns_ids = []

for react in model.reactions:

if len(react.metabolites) == 1:

return ex_rxns_ids
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions pymcadre/check/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
__author__ = "Nantia Leonidou"
__description__ = """ Detection of all organic reactions given a cobra model and a list of exchange reactions
(sink, demand and exchange reactions) """

# from cobra import *
# from import *
# from check.find_ex_reactions import *

def find_organic_ex_rxns(model, ex_rxns):
""" Detection of organic reactions included in all exchange reactions
- model:
- ex_rxns: list of reaction IDs
- organic_ex_rxns: list of organic reactions' IDs"""

# Organic metabolites contain carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) Thus, check molecular formulae
organic_metabolites = []
for met in model.metabolites:
if "C" in met.formula and "H" in met.formula:
# add metabolites, that are organic but don't contain only "C" and "H" in their chemical formulae OR include protein compounds
if ("C" in met.formula and "R" in met.formula) or ("X" in met.formula and "H" in met.formula) \
or ("C" in met.formula and "X" in met.formula) or ("H" in met.formula and "R" in met.formula):

# Find all organic reactions (i.e reactions evolving organic metabolites)
all_organic_reactions = []
for met in organic_metabolites:
# all organic reactions associated with current organic metabolite
org_rxns = model.metabolites.get_by_id(met).reactions
for react in org_rxns:
# put all of them in a list, after excluding reactions that may come up multiple times
if not in all_organic_reactions:

# extract all exchange reactions that involve organic metabolites
# organic_ex_rxns = [react for react in ex_rxns if react in all_organic_reactions]
organic_ex_rxns = list(set(all_organic_reactions) & set(ex_rxns))

return organic_ex_rxns
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions pymcadre/check/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
__author__ = "Nantia Leonidou"
__description__ = " Detect required reactions and add them to the model"

from cobra import *

def add_metabolites(met_id_lst, coeffs_lst, compartment_lst):
""" Create a dictionary with metabolites and their coefficients
Input: lst with metabolites' IDs, list with repsective coefficients
and lst with respective compartment letters
Output: dictionary with metabolites"""

if len(met_id_lst) != len(coeffs_lst) or len(met_id_lst) != len(compartment_lst) or len(coeffs_lst) != len(
print("ERROR: Input lists should have the same size")
met_dict = {}
for i in range(len(met_id_lst)):
met_dict[Metabolite(met_id_lst[i], compartment=compartment_lst[i])] = coeffs_lst[i]
return met_dict

def add_single_reaction(model, id, lb, up, met_dict):
""" Add reactions to a model.
Input: model, reaction id, lower/upper bound and dictionary with the metabolites to add
Output: model with a newly added reaction and the respective reaction."""

react = Reaction() = id
react.lower_bound, react.upper_bound = lb, up
# add metabolites by hand in the model, First checks whether the metabolites exist in the model

return model, react

def find_required_rxns(model, metabolites):
""" Input: model and list of metabollites in a .txt format (see example metabolites_humanModel.txt)
Output: model and list of only required reactions' id """

# define manually _coa metabolites
coa_mets = ['accoa_m', 'succoa_m', 'pmtcoa_c']

# read input file including diverse metabolites
with open(metabolites, 'r') as file:
# list of all input metabolites
met_lst = [line.rstrip('\n') for line in file]

# difference between coa_mets and input list of metabolites --> list of strings
diff = (list(set(met_lst) - set(coa_mets)))

required_rxns = []
# add metabolites from diff as demand reactions, if metabolite is in the model
model_mets = [ for m in model.metabolites]
for met in diff:
r = model.add_boundary(model.metabolites.get_by_id(met),type="demand") # add_boundary if metabolite is already in the model

react1 = add_single_reaction(model, "DM_accoa_m", 0.0,1000.0, met_dict={Metabolite('accoa_m', compartment='m'): -1, Metabolite('coa_m', compartment='m'): 1})[1]
react2 = add_single_reaction(model, "DM_succoa_m", 0.0,1000.0, met_dict={Metabolite('succoa_m', compartment='m'): -1, Metabolite('coa_m', compartment='m'): 1})[1]
react3 = add_single_reaction(model, "DM_pmtcoa_c", 0.0,1000, met_dict={Metabolite('pmtcoa_c', compartment='c'): -1, Metabolite('coa_c', compartment='c'): 1})[1]

return model, required_rxns

40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions pymcadre/check/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
__author__ = "Nantia Leonidou"
__description__ = " Modify metabolites' bounds "

from check.find_organic_ex_rxns import *

def set_organic_met_bounds(model, ex_rxns):
""" Set lower bound of organic reactions to 0.0, aiming the turn-off of the uptake
Input: a cobra model and a list of reaction IDs
Output: a cobra model with the updated bounds """

# Identify all exchange reactions that include organic metabolites
organic_ex_rxns = find_organic_ex_rxns(model, ex_rxns)

# Reset all lower bounds for organic reactions to 0 to disable uptake
for react in organic_ex_rxns:
model.reactions.get_by_id(react).lower_bound = 0.0

# check whether bounds were set to 0.0
# for r in organic_ex_rxns:
# print(model.reactions.get_by_id(r).bounds)

return model

# not implemented in this version --> see MATLAB code
def set_media_ex_bounds(model, ex_rxns):
# for rxns in ex_rxns:
# # set all lower and upper bounds to 0
# model.reactions.get_by_id(rxns).lower_bound = 0.0
# model.reactions.get_by_id(rxns).upper_bound = 0.0
print("Not implemented yet.")
return model

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