Assignment to demonstrate how to fetch / query the new Web3rekt Data API.
- Loop over all the items of this db through their API and store them in our own mongodb instance. (If you hit some API rate limits, it's ok we just store a shorter time range).
- Have a polling function that updates our database when new items are added to the 3rd party db
- Create a wrapper API querying the data of our own db, exposing an endpoint returning hack events, but also that lets us filter by platform, major_method, and filter by ranges of loss and date
There is a docker compose file included at the root level that contains the following services:
- incidents (wrapper API), exposed via port 3000
- web3rekt-poller (polling function)
- mongo (mongodb instance), exposed via port 27017
To run simply do:
docker-compose up
There are 2 possible methods of storing an initial sample of incidents in the mongo db prior to starting the api / poller services. Alternatively the poller service will fetch them all as well if none are present.
This repo contains a sample of all incidents from 2011-06-01 till 2022-11-29, it can be imported directly into mongo
docker-compose run -v $(pwd)/data:/home/data -w /home/data mongo mongoimport --host=mongo --db=incidents --collection=incidents --file=incidents.json --jsonArray
By default will fetch all incidents from 2011-06-01 until today
docker-compose run web3rekt-poller npm run load
Optionally you can pass a start and/or end date
docker-compose run web3rekt-poller npm run load -- 2011-06-01 2012-01-01
Things to consider:
- All results are paginated, format:
total(number): total number of documents that match the criteria
data(Array<Object>): documents
next(string|null): query string that will fetch the next set of results
- By default the page limit is 20 documents
- All dates in a document are unix timestamps
- Not all documents contain the same fields
Get newest report date
curl "localhost:3000?limit=1&order=date|-1"
Get oldest report date
curl "localhost:3000?limit=1&order=date|1"
Get reports by matching field
curl "localhost:3000?platform=Bitcoin"
Get reports by several matching fields, check that you can use regexes to match values as well
curl "localhost:3000?platform=Bitcoin&major_method=/compromised/i"
Get reports by field comparison
curl "localhost:3000?loss=gt|10000"
curl "localhost:3000?date=lt|1338508800"
Get reports by field comparison range
curl "localhost:3000?loss=between|100000,200000"
curl "localhost:3000?date=between|1338508800,1343779200"
Get reports that contain a specific field
curl "localhost:3000?category=exists|true"
You can filter which fields to be returned
curl "localhost:3000?fields=_id,platform,currency,loss"
And you can combine all of the above
curl "localhost:3000?platform=Bitcoin&major_method=/compromised/i&loss=gt|200000&fields=major_method,loss"