- This SDK is modified based on the SDK provided by Rockchip
- It provides a customized SDK specifically for Luckfox Pico series development boards
- Aimed at providing developers with a better programming experience
- Current version V1.2
- Added compatibility for Ubuntu system
- Restored support for busybox, allowing users to choosefew between busybox, buildroot, and Ubuntu according to their needs
- Added Ubuntu root file submodule and support for switching between GitHub and Gitee sources
- Added support for exFAT file system
- Partial bug fixes
- recommended operating system : Ubuntu 22.04
sudo apt-get install -y git ssh make gcc gcc-multilib g++-multilib module-assistant expect g++ gawk texinfo libssl-dev bison flex fakeroot cmake unzip gperf autoconf device-tree-compiler libncurses5-dev pkg-config bc python-is-python3 passwd openssl openssh-server openssh-client vim file cpio rsync
git clone https://github.com/LuckfoxTECH/luckfox-pico.git
- The cross-compilation toolchain needs to be set Environment Variables
cd {SDK_PATH}/tools/linux/toolchain/arm-rockchip830-linux-uclibcgnueabihf/
source env_install_toolchain.sh
- GitHub
git clone <https://github.com/LuckfoxTECH/luckfox-pico.git>
- Gitee
git clone <https://gitee.com/LuckfoxTECH/luckfox-pico.git>
- If you need to compile the Ubuntu system and use the Gitee source
- Please modify the corresponding board mk file LF_SUBMODULES_BY to gitee, for example
- The build.sh script is used to automate the compilation process.
- Most of the compilation operations can be completed automatically through build.sh.
Usage: build.sh [OPTIONS]
Available options:
lunch -Select Board Configure
env -build env
meta -build meta (optional)
uboot -build uboot
kernel -build kernel
rootfs -build rootfs
driver -build kernel's drivers
sysdrv -build uboot, kernel, rootfs
media -build rockchip media libraries
app -build app
recovery -build recovery
tool -build tool
updateimg -build update image
unpackimg -unpack update image
factory -build factory image
all -build uboot, kernel, rootfs, recovery image
allsave -build all & firmware & save
clean -clean all
clean uboot -clean uboot
clean kernel -clean kernel
clean driver -clean driver
clean rootfs -clean rootfs
clean sysdrv -clean uboot/kernel/rootfs
clean media -clean rockchip media libraries
clean app -clean app
clean recovery -clean recovery
firmware -pack all the image we need to boot up system
ota -pack update_ota.tar
save -save images, patches, commands used to debug
check -check the environment of building
info -see the current board building information
./build.sh lunch
- It will display the corresponding board configuration options. Enter the number corresponding to the board configuration to switch to it.
You're building on Linux
Lunch menu...pick a combo:
BoardConfig-*.mk naming rules:
BoardConfig-"boot medium"-"system version"-"hardware version"-"applicaton".mk
0. BoardConfig_IPC/BoardConfig-EMMC-Buildroot-RV1103_Luckfox_Pico-IPC.mk
boot medium(启动介质): EMMC
system version(系统版本): Buildroot
hardware version(硬件版本): RV1103_Luckfox_Pico
applicaton(应用场景): IPC
1. BoardConfig_IPC/BoardConfig-EMMC-Buildroot-RV1103_Luckfox_Pico_Mini_A-IPC.mk
boot medium(启动介质): EMMC
system version(系统版本): Buildroot
hardware version(硬件版本): RV1103_Luckfox_Pico_Mini_A
applicaton(应用场景): IPC
2. BoardConfig_IPC/BoardConfig-EMMC-Ubuntu-RV1103_Luckfox_Pico-IPC.mk
boot medium(启动介质): EMMC
system version(系统版本): Ubuntu
hardware version(硬件版本): RV1103_Luckfox_Pico
applicaton(应用场景): IPC
3. BoardConfig_IPC/BoardConfig-EMMC-Ubuntu-RV1103_Luckfox_Pico_Mini_A-IPC.mk
boot medium(启动介质): EMMC
system version(系统版本): Ubuntu
hardware version(硬件版本): RV1103_Luckfox_Pico_Mini_A
applicaton(应用场景): IPC
4. BoardConfig_IPC/BoardConfig-EMMC-Ubuntu-RV1103_Luckfox_Pico_Plus-IPC.mk
boot medium(启动介质): EMMC
system version(系统版本): Ubuntu
hardware version(硬件版本): RV1103_Luckfox_Pico_Plus
applicaton(应用场景): IPC
5. BoardConfig_IPC/BoardConfig-EMMC-Ubuntu-RV1106_Luckfox_Pico_Pro_Max-IPC.mk
boot medium(启动介质): EMMC
system version(系统版本): Ubuntu
hardware version(硬件版本): RV1106_Luckfox_Pico_Pro_Max
applicaton(应用场景): IPC
6. BoardConfig_IPC/BoardConfig-SPI_NAND-Buildroot-RV1103_Luckfox_Pico_Mini_B-IPC.mk
boot medium(启动介质): SPI_NAND
system version(系统版本): Buildroot
hardware version(硬件版本): RV1103_Luckfox_Pico_Mini_B
applicaton(应用场景): IPC
7. BoardConfig_IPC/BoardConfig-SPI_NAND-Buildroot-RV1103_Luckfox_Pico_Plus-IPC.mk
boot medium(启动介质): SPI_NAND
system version(系统版本): Buildroot
hardware version(硬件版本): RV1103_Luckfox_Pico_Plus
applicaton(应用场景): IPC
8. BoardConfig_IPC/BoardConfig-SPI_NAND-Buildroot-RV1106_Luckfox_Pico_Pro_Max-IPC.mk
boot medium(启动介质): SPI_NAND
system version(系统版本): Buildroot
hardware version(硬件版本): RV1106_Luckfox_Pico_Pro_Max
applicaton(应用场景): IPC
Which would you like? [0]:
./build.sh lunch # Select the reference board configuration
./build.sh # One-click automatic compilation
- Compile busybox/buildroot
./build.sh lunch # Select the reference board ./build.sh # One-click automatic compilation
- Compile Ubuntu
sudo ./build.sh lunch # Select the reference board sudo ./build.sh # One-click automatic compilation
- Note that when compiling Ubuntu, make sure to use sudo, otherwise it may cause file system errors
- The following text will not distinguish between the two sets of instructions, please choose accordingly based on the situation
./build.sh clean uboot
./build.sh uboot
The path of the generated files:
./build.sh clean kernel
./build.sh kernel
The path of the generated files:
./build.sh clean rootfs
./build.sh rootfs
- Note : After compilation, use the command ./build.sh firmware to repackage.
./build.sh clean media
./build.sh media
The path of the generated files:
- Note : After compilation, use the command ./build.sh firmware to repackage.
./build.sh clean app
./build.sh app
- Note 1: The app depends on media.
- Note 2: After compilation, use the command ./build.sh firmware to repackage.
./build.sh firmware
The path of the generated files:
When copying the source code package under Windows, the executable file under Linux may become a non-executable file, or the soft link fails and cannot be compiled and used. Therefore, please be careful not to copy the source code package under Windows.