This is repository is a knowledge base to help for AWS services
#Install R Server
- Choose an amazon linux AMI and deploy it
- Choose an instance type for the machine
- Configure the instance details with the following script :
#!/bin/bash #install R yum install -y R
#install RStudio-Server 1.0.153 (2017-07-20) wget yum install -y --nogpgcheck rstudio-server-rhel-1.0.153-x86_64.rpm rm rstudio-server-rhel-1.0.153-x86_64.rpm
#install shiny and shiny-server (2017-08-25) R -e "install.packages('shiny', repos='')" wget yum install -y --nogpgcheck shiny-server- rm shiny-server-
#add user(s) useradd username echo username:password | chpasswd
- Configuring the security group : For your R-based analysis environment, you have to open up port 8787 for RStudio Server and port 3838 for Shiny Server.
- Accessing your machine :
#VPC Server with public and private subnets
1.Step 1: Create the VPC 2.Step 2: Create a Security Group 3.Step 3: Launch an Instance into Your VPC 4.Step 4: Assign an Elastic IP Address to Your Instance