Draft-js For WebView Bridge
Some Source Code Change, Focus event has bug with webview.
文件 /draft-js/lib/DraftEditor.react.js
DraftEditor.prototype._focus = function _focus(scrollPosition) {
var editorState = this.props.editorState;
var alreadyHasFocus = editorState.getSelection().getHasFocus();
var editorNode = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.editor);
var scrollParent = Style.getScrollParent(editorNode);
var _ref = scrollPosition || getScrollPosition(scrollParent);
var x = _ref.x;
var y = _ref.y;
!(editorNode instanceof HTMLElement)
? process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"
? invariant(false, "editorNode is not an HTMLElement")
: invariant(false)
: void 0;
// some time mobile phone keyboard show,and the viewport height has bug, so need handle the foucs event manually
// if (scrollParent === window) {
// window.scrollTo(x, y);
// } else {
// Scroll.setTop(scrollParent, y);
// }
// On Chrome and Safari, calling focus on contenteditable focuses the
// cursor at the first character. This is something you don't expect when
// you're clicking on an input element but not directly on a character.
// Put the cursor back where it was before the blur.
if (!alreadyHasFocus) {
EditorState.forceSelection(editorState, editorState.getSelection())