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đź’Ž.Gems Blend technology

Open-source NFT Blend smart contract, allows NFT collection owners and/or projects owners to setup crafting recipes to mint new NFT assets.

Integrations (used by):

Project Chains
Wombat Dungeon Master WAX, EOS
Pomelo Harvest EOS


  1. Admin setup NFT recipe & blend
  2. User sends AtomicAssets NFT assets to blend.gems with desired blend id in the memo.
# setup NFT blend (basic)
$ cleos push action blend.gems setblend '[["mycollection", 789], "My Blend", null, [], null, null]' -p myaccount

# setup NFT blend (advanced)
$ cleos push action blend.gems setblend '[["mycollection", 789], "My Advanced Blend", "myplugin", [{"contract":"eosio.token", "quantity": "1.0000 EOS"}], "2021-11-01T00:00:00", "2021-12-01T00:00:00"]' -p myaccount

# setup NFT recipe
$ cleos push action blend.gems addrecipe '[["mycollection", 789], [["mycollection", 123], ["mycollection", 456]]]' -p myauthor

# user send NFT's to contract (memo schema `<collection_name>:<template_id>`)
$ cleos push action atomicassets transfer '["myaccount", "blend.gems", [1099512167123, 1099512167124], "mycollection:789"]' -p myaccount

HTTP requests

get collections (single row)

curl -X 'POST' \
  "" \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "code": "d.blend.gems",
  "scope": "d.blend.gems",
  "table": "collections",
  "json": true,
  "limit": 1
}' | jq .

get blends (all)

curl -X 'POST' \
  "" \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "code": "d.blend.gems",
  "scope": "robotbeepbop",
  "table": "blends",
  "json": true,
  "limit": 100
}' | jq .

get blends by template_id

curl -X 'POST' \
  "" \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "code": "d.blend.gems",
  "scope": "robotbeepbop",
  "table": "blends",
  "json": true,
  "lower_bound": 3027,
  "upper_bound": 3027,
  "limit": 1
}' | jq .

get recipes (all)

curl -X 'POST' \
  "" \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "code": "d.blend.gems",
  "scope": "robotbeepbop",
  "table": "recipes",
  "json": true,
  "limit": 100
}' | jq .

get recipes by recipe_id

curl -X 'POST' \
  "" \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "code": "d.blend.gems",
  "scope": "robotbeepbop",
  "table": "recipes",
  "json": true,
  "lower_bound": 0,
  "upper_bound": 0,
  "limit": 1
}' | jq .

get config (single row)

curl -X 'POST' \
  "" \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
  "code": "d.blend.gems",
  "scope": "d.blend.gems",
  "table": "config",
  "json": true,
  "limit": 1
}' | jq .

Table of Content

TABLE status


  • {vector<uint32_t>} counters - counters
  • {uint32_t} counters[0] - total mint
  • {uint32_t} counters[1] - total burn
  • {time_point_sec} last_updated - last updated


    "counters": [10, 30],
    "last_updated": "2021-04-12T12:23:42"

TABLE collections


  • {set<name>} collection_names - collection names


    "collection_names": ["mycollection"]

TABLE blends

  • scope: {name} collection_name


  • {atomic::nft_extra} id - output AtomicAsset NFT template
  • {set<uint64_t>} recipe_ids - one or many input recipes ID's
  • {string} [description=null]] - (optional) blend description
  • {name} [plugin=null] - (optional) plugin (custom attributes)
  • {extended_asset} [quantity=[]] - (optional) token deposit required
  • {time_point_sec} [start_time=null] - (optional) start time (ex: "2021-07-01T00:00:00")
  • {time_point_sec} [end_time=null] - (optional) end time (ex: "2021-08-01T00:00:00")


    "id": {"collection_name": "mycollection", "schema_name": "myschema", "template_id": 21883},
    "recipe_ids": [1, 2],
    "description": "My Blend",
    "plugin": "myplugin",
    "quantity": {"contract": "eosio.token", "quantity": "1.0000 EOS"},
    "start_time": "2021-07-01T00:00:00",
    "end_time": "2021-10-01T00:00:00"

TABLE recipes

  • scope: {name} collection_name


  • {uint64_t} id - (auto-incremental primary key) recipe ID
  • {vector<atomic::nft_extra>} templates - AtomicAsset NFT templates


    "id": 1,
    "templates": [{"collection_name": "mycollection", "schema_name": "myschema", "template_id": 21883}]

TABLE limits

  • scope: {name} collection_name


  • {int32_t} template_id - AtomicAsset NFT template ID
  • {int64_t} quantity - if exists, limit the quantity of NFT's to mint


    "template_id": 21883,
    "quantity": 100

TABLE orders

scope: owner (name)

  • {atomic::nft} id - output AtomicAsset NFT template
  • {extended_asset} quantity - quantity asset


    "id": {"collection_name": "mycollection", "schema_name": "myschema", "template_id": 21883},
    "quantity": {"contract": "eosio.token", "quantity": "1.0000 EOS"}

ACTION setblend

Set NFT blend

  • authority: atomicassets::author or get_self()


  • {name} collection_name - AtomicAsset NFT collection name
  • {int32_t} template_id - AtomicAsset NFT template ID
  • {string} [description=""] - (optional) blend description
  • {name} [plugin=""] - (optional) plugin (custom attributes)
  • {extended_asset} [quantity=null] - (optional) token deposit required
  • {time_point_sec} [start_time=null] - (optional) start time (ex: "2021-07-01T00:00:00")
  • {time_point_sec} [end_time=null] - (optional) end time (ex: "2021-08-01T00:00:00")


# basic
$ cleos push action blend.gems setblend '["mycollection", 789, "My Blend", null, null, null, null]' -p myaccount

# advanced
$ cleos push action blend.gems setblend '["mycollection", 789, "My Blend", "myplugin, {"contract": "eosio.token", "quantity": "0.1000 EOS"}, "2021-11-01T00:00:00", "2021-12-01T00:00:00"]' -p myaccount

ACTION addrecipe

Add NFT recipe to blend

  • authority: atomicassets::author or get_self()


  • {name} collection_name - AtomicAsset NFT collection name
  • {int32_t} template_id - AtomicAsset NFT template ID
  • {vector<atomic::nft>} templates - AtomicHub NFT templates


$ cleos push action blend.gems addrecipe '["mycollection", 789, [["mycollection", 123], ["mycollection", 456]]]' -p blend.gems

ACTION setrecipes

Set NFT recipe to blend

  • authority: atomicassets::author or get_self()


  • {name} collection_name - AtomicAsset NFT collection name
  • {int32_t} template_id - AtomicAsset NFT template ID
  • {set<uint64_t>} recipe_ids - one or many input recipes ID's


$ cleos push action blend.gems setrecipes '["mycollection", 789, [1]]' -p blend.gems

ACTION delblend

Delete NFT blend

  • authority: atomicassets::author or get_self()


  • {name} collection_name - AtomicAsset NFT collection name
  • {int32_t} template_id - AtomicAsset NFT template ID


$ cleos push action blend.gems delblend '["mycollection", 789]' -p blend.gems

ACTION delrecipe

Delete NFT recipe

  • authority: atomicassets::author or get_self()


  • {name} collection_name - AtomicAsset NFT collection name
  • {int32_t} template_id - AtomicAsset NFT template ID
  • {uint64_t} recipe_id - recipe ID


$ cleos push action blend.gems delrecipe '["mycollection", 789, 1]' -p blend.gems

ACTION cancel

Returns any remaining orders to owner account

  • authority: owner or get_self()


  • {name} owner - owner account to claim
  • {int32_t} template_id - AtomicAsset NFT template ID


$ cleos push action blend.gems cancel '["myaccount", 789]' -p myaccount