This project provides resources for creating a browser game using Pixi.js as a part of a beginners workshop for programming. The theme of the workshop is the classic game from the 2000s - Sven Bomwollen -
The project is based on the following pixi boilerplate, which takes care of most of the heavy lifting that is required in starting such a project (see details in the link)
The repo includes working assets and code versions organized in 4 main chapters:
- project setup, loading assets, drawing sprites, handling user input
- spritesheets, tweens, game entities
- map, tiles, isometry
- character control
After covering these key topics, the workshop can progress into different directions:
- adding more gameplay and animations (sven - sheep interaction)
- adding timers, score, end game logic
- detailed information how isometry works, basic collision logic
- adding sounds and sound control logic
- adding a dog entity - handling multiple moving entities, pathfinding
The purpose of this repository and workshop are purely educational. The assets used in the game are captured from the original game and adapted for the purposes of the workshop. All rights of these assets belong to the original creator - Phenomedia AG.