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Rules API

Alexandre DuBreuil edited this page Aug 22, 2018 · 4 revisions


For a given field of type DefaultFieldInfo, it will delegate the corresponding condition of type DefaultCondition. For example, when you call DefaultFieldInfo#isNull, it delegate the rest of the DSL to DefaultCondition#isNull.


Basic rules

DefaultCondition (javadoc)

Rules that are available on all fields such as eq, isNull, etc.

// The user last name is not null

BooleanCondition (javadoc)

Rules that are available on Boolean fields such as isTrue, isFalse, etc.

// The account accept emails

NumericCondition (javadoc)

Rules that are available on Integer, Double, etc. fields such as greaterThan, lesserThan, etc.

// The user ID is greater than 0

IterableCondition (javadoc)

Rules that are avaible on Collection fields such as contains, etc.

// The account preferences mail list contains 3 elements

TemporalCondition (javadoc)

Rules that are available on LocalDate, LocalTime fields such as after, before, etc.

// The account creation date is less than 6 months ago

StringCondition (javadoc)

Rules that are avaible on String fields such as matches, length, etc.

// The account email mathches email ending in .com

Logical rules

Rules that makes composing rules possible.

LogicalBinaryCondition (javadoc):

Rules that are available on any Condition such as and, or, etc. The order of declaration is important: the logical rules will get executed from left to right. There is no logical operator precedence in dOOv!

// The user name is complete

LogicalNaryCondition (javadoc):

Rules that are applicable to a list of Condition such as count, matchAll, etc. They are available on the DOOV class.

You can use this syntax as you would use logical binary condition, since matchAll is like and (and matchAny is like or), but takes a list of conditions instead of two elements. It also makes possible to do logical precedence, by giving you the control over the resulting syntax tree.

// The account is valid either if both first name AND last name is not
// null, OR the email is not null

LogicalUnaryCondition (javadoc):

Rules that are applicable to one Condition such as negate, etc. Note that some are already available on DefaultCondition. They are available on the DOOV class.

// Bob cannot have an account