- I work for the Korea Copyright Commission(Information Technology Job).
- I plan to move to a financial public company in 2025
- I graduated from the Department of Software Engineering in 2024
- I completed development an ChatMe Application(Comfort and empathy chatbot app) Comon Applicaton(Coding Education APP), Tap-Tap Game, Moon_lander Game, MiniBackjoon(Web Programming Service), Wallpad Hacking Project, Meteorological Power Analysis Model Predicton, Oauth 2.0 authentication system using blockchain-based ERC-721 tokens
- I submitted a paper on chatbot service using multi-sentiment classification-based sentiment generation to the Korea Information Technology Society and won a gold medal.
- I completed a research paper on Oauth 2.0 certification using blockchain-based ERC-721 and I registered in KCI
- I was an Undergraduate research student at the AI Security Lab(Malicious iot Traffic Analysis, MQTT Attacking, DOauth 2.0, automotive security) by Professor Choi Sun-oh
- I worked on a deep learning model to detect obfuscated malicious Powershell script code.
- I acquire an Engineer Information Processing and ADSP, SQLD license
- AI Technology(Deep Learning & LLM)
- DataBase
- Block Chain & Web 3.0
- Leadership, Mentoring, Presentation