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RiD (Reinforced dynamics)

0. Content

1. Introduction

RiD (Reinforced Dynamics) is an enhanced sampling method.

2. Installation


If you want to set environments by hand, please follow settings 2.1.1 ~ 2.1.4. (The install time is about half a day)

If you want to set the environment of RiD through the one-click installer, we offer a link. (password: b4np)to download, just run it with shell. (The install time is about ten minutes)

2.1. Environment installation

2.1.1. Install python and tensorflow (version<=1.15)

2.1.2 Install tensorflow's C++ interface

The tensorflow's C++ interface will be compiled from the source code, can be found here.

2.1.3 Install plumed2.5.2

You need copy compiled DeePFE.cpp to the plumed directory. This file locats at install/DeePFE.cpp

tar -xvzf plumed-2.5.2.tgz
cp DeePFE.cpp plumed-2.5.2/src/bias
CXXFLAGS="-std=gnu++11 -I $tf_path/include/" LDFLAGS=" -L$tf_path/lib -ltensorflow_framework -ltensorflow_cc -Wl,-rpath,$tf_path/lib/" ./configure --prefix=/software/plumed252 CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx

Set the bashrc

source /software/plumed-2.5.2/
export PLUMED2_HOME=/software/plumed252
export PLUMED_KERNEL=/home/dongdong/software/plumed252/lib/

2.1.4 Install gromacs 2019.2

tar -xzvf gromacs-2019.2.tar.gz
cd gromacs-2019.2
plumed patch -p
mkdir build
cd build
make -j 4
make install

Set the bashrc

source /software/GMX20192plumed/bin/GMXRC.bash

3. Quick Start

Two steps in this version of RiD. The first is the generation of RiD work directory, and then run RiD in the work directory.

3.1. RiD work_path generation

Let's begin with a simple example, ala2, which has a sequence (1ACE, 2ALA, 3NME).The cv.json file can be set as:

    "_comment":	   " dihedral angles: phi, psi ",
    "dih_angles" : [ [ {"name" : ["C"],  "resid_shift" : -1},
		       {"name" : ["N"],  "resid_shift" : 0},
		       {"name" : ["CA"], "resid_shift" : 0},
		       {"name" : ["C"],  "resid_shift" : 0} ], 
		     [ {"name" : ["N"],  "resid_shift" : 0}, 
		       {"name" : ["CA"], "resid_shift" : 0},
		       {"name" : ["C"],  "resid_shift" : 0},
		       {"name" : ["N"],  "resid_shift" : 1} ]
    "alpha_idx_fmt":	"%03d",
    "angle_idx_fmt":	"%02d"

"dih_angles" is our defination of dihedral angles ($\phi$, $\psi$) by default.

cd source
python rid ./jsons/default_gen.json ./jsons/CV.json ./mol/alan/amber99sb/01/ -o ala2.rid

3.2. run RiD

cd ala2.rid
python rid.json

This case would run for several hours on one GPU.

The parameters in "rid.json" are described in the following.

In addition, we provide the cases we studied in "examples".

Just change to the directory and type "python rid.json".

The results would be saved in the current directory.

4. Main procedure of RiD

RiD will run in iterations. Each iteration contains tasks below:

  1. Biased MD

  2. Restrained MD

  3. Training neural network

4.1. a. Biased MD

Different from Metadynamics, RiD will sample based on a bias potential given by NN models. The uncertainty indicator will direct the process of adding bias potential.

4.2. b. Restrained MD

This procedure will calculate mean force based on the sampling results, which can generate data set for training.

4.3. c. Neural network training

A fully connected NN will be trained via sampling data. This network will generate a map from selected CV to free energy.

A more detail description of RiD is published now, please see:

[1] Zhang, L., Wang, H., E, W.. Reinforced dynamics for enhanced sampling in large atomic and molecular systems[J]. The Journal of chemical physics, 2018, 148(12): 124113.

[2] Wang, D., Zhang, L., Wang, H., E, W.. Efficient sampling of high-dimensional free energy landscapes using adaptive reinforced dynamics[J]. arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.01620, 2021.

5. RiD settings

File "rid.json" for configuration of simulation.

5.1. rid.json

General setting

Parameters Type Description Default/Example
gmx_prep str Gromacs preparation command gmx grompp
gmx_run str Gromacs md run command gmx mdrun
init_graph list&str initial graph files list []
numb_iter int number of iterations 12

Setting for biased MD

Parameters Type Description Default/Example
numb_walkers int number of walkers 8
bias_trust_lvl_1 int trust lower level 2
bias_trust_lvl_2 int trust upper level 3
bias_nsteps int total number of steps of biased MD 20000
bias_frame_freq int frame frequency for recording 20
sel_threshold float/int initial threshold for selection 2
cluster_threshold float * 1.5
num_of_cluster_threshhold int minimum of cluster number 15
max_sel int maximum of selection of clusters 30

Setting for restrained MD

Parameters Type Description Default/Example
res_nsteps int total number of steps of restrained MD 25000
res_frame_freq int frame frequency for recording 50
conf_start int the index of the first conformation selected 0
conf_every int the stride of conformation selection 1

Setting for training and neural network

Parameters Type Description Default/Example
numb_model int number of nn models 4
neurons list&int number of nodes for each layer [200, 200, 200, 200]
resnet bool whether to use Resnet True
batch_size int batch size 128
numb_epoches int total number of epochs for every training 12000
starter_lr float initial learning rate 0.0008
decay_steps int decay steps of lr 120
decay_rate float decay rate of lr 0.96
res_iter int after this iteration, old data will be reduced 13
res_numb_epoches int restrat setting 2000
res_starter_lr float restrat setting 0.0008
res_olddata_ratio int/float restrat setting 7
res_decay_steps int restrat setting 120
res_decay_rate float restrat setting 0.96