Zero-friction kick-start MS teams App development boilerplate with ReactJS and NodeJS.
Boilerplate Teams App is derived by example code generated with Microsoft Teams Toolkit Visual Studio Code:
- NodeJS
- M365 developer account or access to a Teams account with the appropriate permissions to install an app.
- Static domain/subdomain ** see Configure domain / local tunneling **
- Docker [!] If you need a container-based deploy
Because static domain or subdomain are not always avaliable, I suggest use tunneling offered by localtunnel with an HASHCODE that in much cases will not occupated others at least in a day.
!!! I you already have a static domain/subdomain, you can use it instead of HASCODED local tunneling explained below
- Open .publish/Development.env and customize the baseUrl0=... with personal Hash code generated as below:
- baseUrl0=
- Open Package.json and customize "tunnel": ... as below
- "tunnel": "lt --subdomain HASHCODE --port 3000"
- ie. "tunnel": "lt --subdomain 95564aa16728f9ea2cf8d6edd3b175bb --port 3000"
In the project directory, execute:
npm install
npm run-script start
npm run-script build
npm run-script update
npm run-script tunnel
Upload app from the Teams client
- Upload the
from the .publish folder to Teams.
v.1.0) What a hell is this 'custom MS Teams App'?
v.2.0) Agile 'build, run and share' workflow for development, basic architecture file, strucuring tab/view, static assets managing, styling with SCSS/SASS , build and keep updated temporary;
v.3.0) Custom fonts, globals styles, utils and services strucured folder, visibile on mobile Teams App;
v.4.0) Dockerized with docker file and docker-compose; implemented simple azure-pipeline
All logos and images are from
Based on already adopted License by Microsoft in projects mentioned here:
All files on the Boilerplate Teams App GitHub repository are subject to the MIT license. Please read the License file at the root of the project.