- Eleventy - Static site generator (https://11ty.dev)
- Liquid as the templating language
- Sass for writing CSS
- PostCSS + Autoprefixer for vendor prefixing CSS
- Webpack for compiling Sass and JavaScript assets
- Prettier, Stylelint, ESLint and Airbnb's base js linting configuration for basic code hyigene
- Stimulus - a very efficinent HTML-first frontend javascript framework by Basecamp (https://stimulus.hotwire.dev/)
- Vanilla Js
The website is hosted on Netlify, the admin team is using Forestry CMS for content management.
$ nvm use &
$ npm install
- Generate a local SSL/TLS certificate for your development domain by running the following command in your terminal:
npx devcert-cli generate dev.dokuforte.co.il
This will generate a certificate and key file for the dev.dokuforte.co.il domain in the project root.
Edit your hosts file to redirect to dev.dokuforte.co.il
Start the development server
$ npm run dev
Browse to https://dev.dokuforte.co.il
npm run build
All Drupal auth and ElasticSearch related APIs
All UI partials
Eleventy data files
App specific js helpers and utils
Base page layouts and layout (stimulus) components
Localized page content in markdown format
All fortend theme related css files (scopes, tyopgraphy, layout, helpers, color vars)
All static content used (images, files generated during build time, etc.)
Eleventy’s output will be generated to a _dist
directory at the root level.