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yurkennis edited this page Mar 23, 2018 · 3 revisions

Continuity does not work after running CAT

  1. Run CAT again and choose System Diagnostics and verify Continuity is reported as active.
  2. Check System Preferences - General for "Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices."
  3. Do the steps outlined here

Can't open the Tool

OS X 10.10

In order to run this Tool you need to temporarily disable Gatekeeper. In order to do this please follow these steps:

  1. Open System Preferences
  2. Go to Security & Privacy
  3. Enable "Allows apps downloaded from" Anywhere
  4. Run CAT
  5. Verify Continuity works
  6. Revert changes made in System Preferences

OS X 10.11

OS X 10.11 introduces System Integrity Protection (SIP) which will prevent this tool from running. In order to run this tool you will need to disable SIP by following these steps:

  1. Reboot your Mac and hold Command + R in the boot screen to boot into Recovery Mode.
  2. In the top menu, click on Utilities and start the Terminal application.
  3. Enter the following command: csrutil disable and you will see a message saying SIP has been disabled.
  4. Reboot your Mac and let it boot up normally.
  5. Disable Gatekeeper by following the OS X 10.10 instructions above.
  6. Run CAT
  7. Verify Continuity works
  8. Revert the changes made to Gatekeeper and SIP.

Knock/Finger/MacID/KeyTouch etc not working

Apps that also rely on Bluetooth 4/LE features such as Knock might not work after installing Continuity Activation Tool. Please uninstall CAT if you need such an application, as there is no known fix or workaround!