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User-friendly React component to build queries.

Forked from

Inspired by jQuery QueryBuilder

Using awesome Ant Design for widgets

Master branch uses antd v2 (because of more compact style). For antd v3 see branch antd-3.


  • Highly configurable
  • Fields can be of type:
    • simple (string, number, bool, date/time/datetime, list)
    • structs (will be displayed in selectbox as tree of members)
    • custom type (dev should add its own widget component for this) (it's not complex, you can add slider for example)
  • Comparison operators can be:
    • binary (== != < > ..)
    • unary (is empty, is null)
    • 'between' (for numbers)
    • complex operators like 'proximity'
  • Values of fields can be compared with values -or- another fields (of same type)
  • Reordering support for rules and groups of rules
  • Using awesome Ant Design
  • Export to MongoDb or SQL


Live Demo



Install: npm i react-awesome-query-builder

See examples/demo as example of usage and configuration.

For full reordering support you need to add class query-builder-container for dom-element which is holding your querybuilder component AND has scrolling. If there is no such dom-element (only body) you can do nothing.


import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {Query, Builder, Utils as QbUtils} from 'react-awesome-query-builder';
import config from './config'; //see below 'Config format'
import 'react-awesome-query-builder/css/styles.scss';
import 'react-awesome-query-builder/css/compact_styles.scss';
import 'react-awesome-query-builder/css/denormalize.scss';

class DemoQueryBuilder extends Component {
    render() {                
        return (
                  //you can pass object here, see treeJSON at onChange
    getChildren(props) {
        return (
                <div className="query-builder">
                    <Builder {...props} />
                <div>Query string: {QbUtils.queryString(props.tree, props.config)}</div>
                <div>Mongodb query: {QbUtils.mongodbFormat(props.tree, props.config)}</div>
    onChange(tree) {
      //here you can save tree object: 
      //var treeJSON = transit.toJSON(tree)

Use can save tree as serialized Immutable object with transit.toJSON/transit.fromJSON -or- as plain JS, see loadTree = function(serTree) {...} at examples/demo/demo.js (using Immutable.fromJS with a little trick)

Config format

import {Widgets, Operators} from 'react-awesome-query-builder';
const {
} = Widgets;
import en_US from 'antd/lib/locale-provider/en_US';

export default {
  conjunctions: {
    'AND': {
      label: 'And', //label for conjunctions swicther
      //(for building query string) function to join rules into group
      // children - list of already formatted queries (strings) to be joined with conjuction
      // isForDisplay - false by default, for building query string for SQL/expression/etc., 
      //  true can be used to format query string displayed on collapsed query group 
      //  (not used for now, see Issue #2)
      formatConj: (Immultable.List children, string conj, bool not, bool isForDisplay) => string,
      reversedConj: 'OR', //'AND' reverses to 'OR'
      //for building mongodb query:
      mongoConj: '$and',
    'OR': ...same as for 'AND'
  fields: {
    //Example of atomic field:
    name: {
      label: 'Quantity',
      type: 'number', //one of types described below in section 'types'
      //Settings for widgets
      // Available settings for Number widget: min, max, step
      fieldSettings: {
          min: 2,
      //List of values for Select widget
      listValues: {
        //<key>: <label to display at list of options>,
        yellow: 'Yellow',
        green: 'Green',
      //(optional) You can override here some options of config of corresponding type:
      // 'operators', 'defaultOperator', 'widgets', 'valueSources' (see below at section 'types')
    //Example of special struct field:
    members: { //key of field
      label: 'Members', //label to display at list of fields
      type: '!struct', //special type for struct
      subfields: { //only for type == '!struct'
        subname: { //key of subfield
          label: 'Subname', //label for list of fields
          //label for field menu's toggler (for config.renderFieldAndOpAsDropdown == true)
          label2: 'MemberName',
          type: 'text', //one of types described below in section 'types'
    ...other fields
  types: {
    number: { //type key
      //(optional) Values of fields can be compared with values or another fields
      // (see settings.valueSourcesInfo). If you want to compare values of this type 
      // only with values or other fields of this type, edit:
      valueSources: ['value'],
      //Available widgets for type and its configs:
      widgets: {
        number: { //widget key, see section 'widgets' below
          //List of operators can be applied to this type (see section 'operators' below)
          operators: ['greater', 'less'],
          defaultOperator: 'greater', //default operator to be selected for this type
          //Config for this widget (all optional):
          widgetProps: {
            //for example, here you can overwrire 'valueLabel', 'valuePlaceholder', 
            // for date/time: 'timeFormat', 'dateFormat', 'valueFormat'

            //also you can pass props directly to widget, for example enable search for Select widget:
            customProps: {
                showSearch: true
          //Config for operators for this widget (all optional):
          opProps: {
            between: { //operator key
              //for example, here you can overwrire 'valueLabels'
            ...other ops
        //Most of types can have only 1 widget, but for list there can be 2: 
        // single-select widget (for op ==) and multi-select widget (for op 'in')
        ...other widgets if applicable
        //'field' is special widget to compare values of field of this type
        // with another fields (of this type)
        field: {
 can overwrire 'operators' for example
    ...other types
  operators: {
    equal: { //operator key
      label: '==', //label for selectbox
      labelForFormat: '==', //string used for formatting query, only if 'formatOp' is not present
      reversedOp: 'not_equal', //operator opposite to current
      cardinality: 1, //number of right operands (1 for binary, 2 for 'between')
      isUnary: true,
      //(for building query string) function to format rule
      // value - string (already formatted value) for cardinality==1 
      // -or- Immutable.List of strings for cardinality>1
      formatOp: (string field, string op, mixed value, string valueSrc, string valueType, 
        Object opDef, Object operatorOptions, bool isForDisplay) => string,
      //(for building mongodb query) function to format rule
      // value - mixed for cardinality==1 -or- Array for cardinality>2 
      mongoFormatOp: (string field, string op, mixed value) => object,
      //for cardinality==2 ('between')
      valueLabels: ['Value from', {label: 'Value to', placeholder: 'Enter value to'}],
      textSeparators: [null, 'and'],
      ...also see examples/demo for config of 'proximity' operator
  widgets: {
    text: {
      type: "text", //see 'types' section
      valueSrc: 'value', //'value' or 'field' (only for special 'field' widget)
      factory: (props) => <TextWidget {...props} />, //React component
      //(for building query string) function to format widget's value
      formatValue: (mixed val, Object fieldDef, Object wgtDef, bool isForDisplay) => string,
      //(for building mongodb query) function to convert widget's value
      mongoFormatValue: (mixed val, Object fieldDef, Object wgtDef) => object,
      //func to validate widget's value
      validateValue: (mixed val, Object fieldDef) => bool,
      // common:
      valueLabel: "Text",
      valuePlaceholder: "Enter text",
      // for date/time widgets:
      timeFormat: 'HH:mm',
      dateFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
      valueFormat: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm',
      // ...for your custom widgets you can add here your options
      // also you can pass customProps, for example to enable search for select widget:
      customProps: { showSearch: true }
    ...other widgets (you can add your custom ones here)
    ...also there should be special 'field' widget, see examples/demo
  settings: {
    //Locale used for AntDesign widgets
    locale: {
        short: 'en',
        full: 'en-US',
        antd: en_US,
    //To shorten long labels of fields/values (by length, i.e. number of chars)
    maxLabelsLength: 50,
    //Placement of antdesign's dropdown pop-up menu (default: 'bottomLeft')
    dropdownPlacement: 'bottomRight',
    //Don't show conjunctions switcher for only 1 rule?
    hideConjForOne: true,
    //Size of AntDesign components
    renderSize: 'small',
    //How to render conjunctions switcher? true - use RadioGroup, false - use ButtonGroup
    renderConjsAsRadios: false,
    //How to render fields/ops list? true - use Dropdown/Menu, false - use Select
    renderFieldAndOpAsDropdown: false,
    //You can pass props to Select field widget
    customFieldSelectProps: {
        showSearch: true
    // You can change the position of the group actions to the following:
    // oneOf [topLeft, topCenter, topRight (default), bottomLeft, bottomCenter, bottomRight]
    groupActionsPosition: 'topRight', 
    //Strategies for selecting operator for new field (used by order until success)
    // 'default' (default if present), 'keep' (keep prev from last field), 'first', 'none'
    setOpOnChangeField: ['keep', 'default'],
    //Clear value on field change? false - if prev & next fields have same type (widget), keep
    clearValueOnChangeField: false,
    //Clear value on operator change?
    clearValueOnChangeOp: false,
    setDefaultFieldAndOp: false,
    //Max nesting for rule groups
    maxNesting: 10,
    //Separaor for struct fields
    fieldSeparator: '.', //also used for formatting
    fieldSeparatorDisplay: '->', //used for toggler's text for renderFieldAndOpAsDropdown==true
    //Show labels under all ui fields?
    showLabels: false,
    //Show NOT together with AND/OR?
    showNot: true,
    //Next options are for localization:
    valueLabel: "Value",
    valuePlaceholder: "Value",
    fieldLabel: "Field",
    operatorLabel: "Operator",
    fieldPlaceholder: "Select field",
    operatorPlaceholder: "Select operator",
    deleteLabel: null,
    addGroupLabel: "Add group",
    addRuleLabel: "Add rule",
    readonlyMode: false,
    notLabel: "Not",
    delGroupLabel: null,
    valueSourcesPopupTitle: "Select value source",
    //Leave empty group after deletion or add 1 clean rule immediately?
    canLeaveEmptyGroup: true, //after deletion
    //(for building query string) function to format rule with reverse operator 
    // which haven't 'formatOp'
    // q - already formatted rule for opposite operator (which have 'formatOp')
    // return smth like "NOT(" + q + ")"
    formatReverse: (string q, string operator, string reversedOp, Object operatorDefinition, 
      Object revOperatorDefinition, bool isForDisplay) => string,
    //(for building query string) function to format field
    // parts - for struct field
    // label2 - with using of 'fieldSeparatorDisplay'
    //just return field (or label2 for isForDisplay==true)
    formatField: (string field, Array parts, string label2, Object fieldDefinition, Object config, 
      bool isForDisplay) => string,
    //Values of fields can be compared with values or another fields
    //If you want to disable this feature and leave only comparing with values, remove 'field'
    valueSourcesInfo: {
      value: {
        label: "Value"
      field: {
        label: "Field",
        widget: "field",
    //Activate reordering support for rules and groups of rules?
    canReorder: true,
    //(For comparing field with field) Function for building right list of fields to compare
    canCompareFieldWithField: (string leftField, Object leftFieldConfig, string rightField, 
      Object rightFieldConfig) => {
        //for type == 'select'/'multiselect' you can check listValues
        return true;


To build the component locally, clone this repo then run:

npm install npm run examples

Then open localhost:3001 in a browser.


  • npm run build-npm - Builds a npm module. Output path: build/npm
  • npm run build-global - Builds with webpack the self contained pack of the component. Output path: build/global
  • npm run build-examples - Builds with webpack the examples. Output path: examples
  • npm run examples - Builds with webpack the examples and runs a dev-server on localhost:3001.
  • sh ./scripts/ - Update gh pages

The repo sticks in general to the Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide.

Pull Requests are always welcomed :)


MIT. See also LICENSE.txt


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  • JavaScript 95.2%
  • CSS 4.6%
  • Shell 0.2%